Reviews for Grinning Goblins
Stephanie MRV chapter 17 . 10/3/2024
Very happy with this story
jkarr chapter 17 . 10/3/2024
this is a nice update
terrahsims chapter 10 . 10/3/2024
Well, technically, that might be true in Britain, but in Canada, a Ward of the Crown is a child in foster care. Historically, Queen Victoria had several Wards of the Crown, one being African Princess, Sarah Bonetta Forbes.
csheila chapter 1 . 10/3/2024
Well wrirren and more complete
Maxime Cusson chapter 12 . 10/3/2024
Be careful with crups in that town, crups are very aggressive towards muggles.
msanderlin chapter 5 . 9/17/2024
So. . . There was always a price to pay. ... If the crime was deep enough, then your family could pay for many generations. The Weasleys were fine examples of that, money will always be tight for them.

Okay, I would love to hear the story behind that, and could Magic at some point decide that enough time had passed and the family could be redeemed?

I very much like this story.
Thank you.
Nj chapter 16 . 9/12/2024
Actually Albus took a ootionto make himyoung again and then dna changed his eyes and hair and face as well as changed his voice and lived among the muggles of Detriot
My chapter 11 . 9/12/2024
Not a new world. Still Earth.
Bob chapter 1 . 9/8/2024
Says 1474 but it was really 1121
Guest chapter 10 . 7/14/2024
I liked Potterville
Guest chapter 16 . 4/25/2024
C'est une jolie histoire
hdres chapter 16 . 3/14/2024
An interesting and imaginative story. Thank you
hdres chapter 8 . 3/14/2024
a really interesting divergence from standard HP. i am enjoying how things are been shaken up. Thank you for sharing your story
HeartsGlow chapter 5 . 3/10/2024
Asif he wasn't already full enough of himself! Too bad Harry didn't do the test.
Fenaklu chapter 11 . 2/9/2024
Hi! I could manage the Queens Army (did you mean one of the Household Regiments?) father having a gun at home despite handguns being illegal here, but school starting at 6am? Its around 9am here, with kids needing to be in between 8:40-8:50!
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