Reviews for Demigod of Trade
pizzawolf55 chapter 10 . 7/3/2024
Are you ever going to continue this story
Funtimes624 chapter 10 . 7/1/2024
if possible please update
Lonty Arbalest chapter 10 . 4/25/2024
It's a Crime to Leave Stories without Updating them
qalleesyawesome chapter 10 . 3/3/2024
still really good!
Amargi'sNodachi chapter 10 . 2/8/2024
An interesting story, but Naruto is SO DULL.
lolzgodz940 chapter 10 . 2/15/2023
please update
darksurlord13 chapter 10 . 11/13/2022
Update soon please
Rogue Shinigami chapter 10 . 11/11/2022
Lol I am playing god of war and I saw cross shape tree
Diametrik chapter 10 . 9/1/2022
This is a pretty good PJ fanfic (if a bit weird a times) but I'm not sure why the mc is called Naruto. He doesn't act like Naruto, he doesn't have the powers of Naruto, he doesn't fight like Naruto, he doesn't have a similar background to Naruto, he doesn't have the same family as Naruto, he's just not Naruto.
Narunaru002 chapter 10 . 7/14/2022
Damn. A pretty fun read, but im guessing you arent doing naruto fanfic anymore so its a shame. Maybe one day you'll return to it
WeAreTheWord chapter 9 . 6/30/2022
GUUUUUUH. THis story is so goooood. I hope you’ll keep this story alive
Praska Cropher chapter 10 . 3/15/2022
Thank you for this great story!
I'll be waitingg
qalleesyawesome chapter 10 . 12/30/2021
Really enjoying this story! Cant wait for the next update
qalleesyawesome chapter 6 . 12/30/2021
"he'd dead" that killed me! Hahahaha
WeAreTheWord chapter 10 . 10/2/2021
If ur still around I will continue to faithfully wait for a new chapter
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