Reviews for A Semblance of Hope
Finbar chapter 3 . 3/3/2016
Ok, first off, this story has a LOT of potential. It is fun, decently paced and not bogged down like some of your other fics are (Wild Wolf and Third Path). I would definately like to see more of this.

I'd also like to see Ranma pick up a signature weapon. One of the awesome things about RWBY is the shape-shifting weapons. Sure, it's technology not science, but thats not the point. The point is that everyone has a signature weapon with Long/Medium and Short range capabilities. Benzaiten has her pipa, Ruby has Crescent Rose, Nora has her ridiculous hammer, everyone has something except Ranma. Working with the setting, he could easily go for a modified combination of Yang's style bracers/gloves and a pair of Gauntlets. I'm visualising a cross between . /a20f96349260df93a0a80a33e68ab533/tumblr_n00xo3ADOC1t4is7uo1_ and 18d6/f/2013/002/2/4/kepfer_s_gauntlet_by_tau_ where they are a pair of solid looking Vambraces with what is effectively a wrist mounted pair of Shutguns for ranged attacks, like Yang, but in the underside, have the Monowire that he so enjoys. This way you not only get the martial arts agility, but the ability to launch spider-man style shennanigans. Vambraces that 'transform' into a battle form of two gauntlets would also suit him, protect his hands for when he is going against really tough opponents and reinforce the Martial Arts concept. Sure, he has the shield, and thats cool, but by not having a signature weapon, you are doing the RWBY setting a disfavour.

With regards to your other stories, while I would like to see this one expanded on, I also would really like to see Oh My and Horse for the Force pushed along. In all honesty, Food Chain looks kinda 'meh' in terms of potential. There are enough Ranma/Naruto goes to Youkai High and shakes things up.

In any case, you will write what you will, I'll likely still read it due to the sheer quality of the writing. You might want to consider a Beta though, I noticed a few spelling mistakes and grammar errors. Likely due to automated spellchecking, which should be picked up by a beta.
MrEsir chapter 3 . 3/3/2016
Most teams have a theme going - fairy tale characters, heroes, birds - maybe Ranma needs his own team theme like animals, Beni can have a god theme going if she gets her own team. If they join up maybe you can even put animal gods, wolf and coyote, Okami and Coyote.
Lake Shell chapter 3 . 3/3/2016
Another great story, another cliffhanger. Whenever I get a new chapter/story alert from you it always ends the same. :P

It's all worth the wait though. Great start on this and I agree, the whole thing flows better when crossover characters are given time to integrate rather than dropping them in the middle of things or just before the start of certain events.

As for the pairings it's hard to say. Yang and Pyrrha would make a good match for Ranma in different ways. I've just always preferred pairings where, despite having similarities, they are also greatly different. Those similarities and differences then complement and supplement the other, helping the other grow as a person, though not to the point where they completely change as a person, (both enjoy fighting but one is wild and often reckless, while the other is calm and cautious, or both are prideful but one knows when to back down from a challenge if the situation calls for it).

That's just me though. I'd still read it regardless of how they're paired up. :D

Looking forward to the next chapter, regardless of which story it is.
one-village-idiot chapter 3 . 3/3/2016
Well, damn. Another great entry from Vimes. How do you do it?

I'm loving the character interaction. While it sucks you killed off most of the Vacuo school, it was handled much better than Season 3. At least you gave a valid reason for a massive Grimm attack. I like the introduction of the Leo, it makes sense that there's a Grimm who is deadly because of its speed and passive Command and Control buff.
I like the introduction of Spring, and the interaction we saw between her and Ranma. I'm really curious what all she left Ranma (you dropped a Chekov's gun in I think, but never said what), and I saw that Cinder reference you made. I really curious what the Cinder-Spring connection is, and what info Ranma now possesses on her. And if Ranma likes strong women, well, love or hate her, Cinder is quite strong even if she isn't using bullshit abilities.

I like the overall expansion you made on Vacuo, that country doesn't have a lot of canon info besides Desert. It's a very interesting choice to make Jaune and the Arcs from that location, though if Jaune dropped out early and the empath-provoked Grimm attack still occurred, that'd explain his parents reluctance on ever activating his aura, and Jaune's decision to sneak away to Beacon.

I'm gonna love the fireworks once Benzaiten and Ranma meet up, especially once she realizes he's been so close to her location for months. even better if Ranma fights Glenda "jean-grey" Goodwitch due to a misunderstanding.
I wonder if Ranma will continue to tutor some of the students at Beacon. continue Jaune's education, maybe even use that as an introduction to the other students. Or am I misunderstanding, was the Vacuo school not a Beacon-level school, but instead was a prep-school of sorts?

I have lots of questions, but there's no need to answer them if you don't want to. It's just what happens when I read a good story that gets my brain all abuzz.

I'm really hoping to see more updates to this. Just like Wild Wolf and your HP/Marvel story whose name currently escapes me.
kd8gun chapter 3 . 3/3/2016
Vimesenthusiast, you did it once again. I bloody love the stories you put out! I'm wondering how and to what level you're going to have Ranma interact with Beacon, I doubt he'll become a student at this point but on the same thread I can see him either replacing, sub-ing for, or becoming an apprentice of Port. I can also see his "sister" forcing the issue on him, possibly with a very emotional reunion. I truly hope that you update this story in the future!
san.denzel chapter 3 . 3/3/2016
FOCUS ON THIS STORY i honestly like it as much as ATP or wild wolf very well done so far keep it up and you got another masterpiece here... but ya update this ASAP i must see more of this to judge properly but so far it looks amazing.
Kaioo chapter 1 . 3/3/2016
Plot point in the last episode of season two?

You're not on about the reveal after the credits right? I think that didn't actually happen. Or well, Season 3 made it sound like that wasn't real.

If you're on about a different plot point, ehh.
Virgo with Cheer chapter 3 . 3/2/2016
Okay, I really enjoy this story. It's well thought out, paces itself well, and shows exactly what we want to see in our favourite characters. Good, no, great job man. I can't wait for more.
duskrider chapter 3 . 3/2/2016
Epic stuff man I love this story so far and agree that Season 3 threw Yang and Pyrrha to the wolfs (honestly I think Jaune was more likely to get crippled/ lose a limb/ die at that point and Pyrrha and the others should be smart enough to run to live to fight another day than charging head first into that finally. Maybe Blake being captured by the government after being ousted as former Fang member (By whom? Video used to break up the team). Pyrrha taking her name too far (Sacrifice Victory I think), finding out Ren is secretly a woman maybe (Mulan) running from a crime family was more likely than season 3 in my option. Penny being reprogramed to the dark side (not instantly dying in a fight) with Ruby going after her to get her back, Wiess falling in love with Cannon Jaune was more likely. ) Though I have to admit having the Narrator be a real character was a interesting twist.
goddragonking chapter 3 . 3/2/2016
great chapter , love the way this story is going, keep up the excellent work! Keep the good writing and hope for more update soon can't wait to read more:)
masterlich chapter 3 . 3/2/2016
cant wait to read more
FalseExact chapter 3 . 3/2/2016
This is absolutely magnificent, I was hooked with the first chapter then I was with Oh My or Food Chain all together, I couldn't stop reading it and I'm going to go and re-read all 3 chapters again.

I have to agree with you about character interactions, they interest me so much more than action, though some action never hurts and this is so much easier to follow along with.
san.denzel chapter 1 . 3/2/2016
OMFG ANOTHER STORY? dude how the FUCKING HELL do you keep this update schedule? i mean you pumping out whole books worth of words every month like jesus dude plus you still manage this level of fking quality? dude WTH are you some kind of super author? like you have a super-power that lets you write super fast while maintaining the quality? i bow to you man 'cause simply put you just shit on the regular authors that make books you have to pay for with this level of ability and skill. even if your basing your works on what already exists... this is still unbelievably impressive.
Darthme1011 chapter 1 . 3/2/2016
just what i have been waiting for RWBY rules
Moon Wolf 96 chapter 1 . 3/2/2016
You could replace Jaune with Ranma and have the team name be LVRS or Levers as in 'with enough leverage you can move the world'. Plus I could see Nikos being interested in someone who didn't know/care who she was but still able to give her a run for her money.
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