Reviews for Humanity's Rebirth
Ace gaming chapter 5 . 8/5
If you wanted to write a citadel wankfest why kill off half of humanity and force a revenge plot?
If a filthy Xeno even killed 10% of us, we would wipe out their species from the galaxy. We wouldn't even bother invading them. Just kill their fleet and drop a planet killer. The only reason we would even consider a land invasion is to see the looks on their faces as we slaughter them.
We would cook up custom built genocide weapons for every single planet and then laugh about it over breakfast.
Would we regret turning the galaxy into a graveyard? Maybe. After a few decades. But we would do it nonetheless. Cuz you don't fuck with humanity and get away scott free.
Humans are petty, vengeful bastards, who don't have any sense of moral restraint in war.
We invented the Geneva convention to restrict our own ability to do things that would make Satan blush.
Every heinous act, every horrifying story, every nightmarish torture you have ever known in fiction or otherwise was thought up by a human mind.
Humanity isn't like the Turians who pretend to play soldiers while being civillian. We are a species that has been trying to be civillian while mastering war in it's every horrifying aspect.
Let the Xeno be cleansed of their sin of existence.
reaperking2003 chapter 6 . 6/16
Incest rape fics are less disgusting
I want the time I spent on this disgusting pile of trash back
"Omg waw look at hoomans, they're so KEWL and ENLIGHTENED with their pulsar TECHNOLOGY they're totally fighting a war for realises"
Literally pointless. Words cannot describe my hatred for this story
maskedkeeper chapter 6 . 5/2
kinda bothers me. almost made to go extinct, spent 900 years creating a society who whole purpose was to survive the citadel . So when once more you have to go to war with them you expect a bit more fuck you than... we won so now we even bro, time for peace could at least busted a typical council move and placed demand just to say fuck you. Like give us reparations for previous crimes , bring out those involved which probably exist in the asari, idk just something to make up for idk trying to kill you off
Chris Adair chapter 22 . 3/18
really good story. need more!
benjamin wright1 chapter 22 . 11/11/2023
Love the story just waiting for more up dates
sugoijack9 chapter 9 . 9/22/2023
The Citadel is nowhere near as a Type-2 civilization. Their civilization is rather weird and also predetermined by the Reapers machinations. They are entitled as below Type-2 and something along above Type-1 or less of it. The Citadel have never achieved as what mankind imagined in sc-fi scope like Dyson Sphere, particle accelerator, high-grade plasma tech and etc.

I believed that TIM, The illusive Man, Jack Harper, downfall is mostly interacting with Reaper tech. Probably with one of his eyes that taken a piece from Reaper and crafted into a prosthetic eye. This allowed for a small-induced indoctrination that little by little corrupted TIM.
bruh45 chapter 1 . 8/2/2023
Thanks to the guest below, saved a lot of time. Im a HFY guy, i almost got baited
Hypatius chapter 1 . 8/1/2023
Thanks for the guest commenting below warning that this fic was just bait and swtich, saved me a lot of time
splash43 chapter 17 . 6/15/2023
this chapter and finding Voyager always was touching to me, even after all these years this chapter I find as one of the best I've read
Guest chapter 22 . 4/4/2023
I love this story! It is quite superb! Especially the hot FemShep Lesbo scene :3

I also love how you jebait all those Humanity Fuck Yeah! Crowd, having them expecting humanity to wage a war of genocide for revenge only to have them surrender to the citadel and have Femshep herald them into era of peace, tolerant, and understanding. It really show that humanity can move pass revenge and hate, very few story did that.
Coment9 chapter 22 . 4/3/2023
If everyone here doesn’t like where this story headed then why not do your own?
Warriorking22 chapter 1 . 3/17/2023
Why call it the 'United Human Empre', why not just the 'Human Empire' because they are already united. Also, why a chancellor? Isn't an emperor much better because it's common sense for an emperor to rule an empire
hardatwork1986 chapter 1 . 3/16/2023
I'm pretty disappointed how the story ended good idea poor execution
Anon chapter 3 . 2/25/2023
Won’t the missiles still explode when shot down?
clinttraper chapter 5 . 11/14/2022
I truly lost interest here. Humanity doesn’t seem vengeful at all towards the council races, half the population of Earth was wiped out and the planet was “covered in radioactive craters” yet they sue for peace so quickly? This seemed more along the lines of ‘we have to take revenge’ rather than ‘we must take revenge’. Humanity was just going through the motions and as soon as the war wasn’t easy they gave up and settled for what they had. Smh
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