Reviews for The Darkness Within
Midnight Lilly chapter 11 . 1/31/2003
I think if Washu would use the gems, she would be able to revive her powers as a goddess and defeat Lady Tokimi. I don't know about Tsunami she sounds like she's really weakend, maybe if she assimlated with Sasami she'd be back at full power.
Calen chapter 10 . 1/30/2003
Calen chapter 6 . 1/29/2003
Haha! Stupid Ayeka. *g* Good one Tenchi. :)

Yay, that Tokimi is being very nice to Tenchi and I'd guess they're in love, so good for them.
Calen chapter 2 . 1/29/2003
Tenchi married Ryoko? Ew! Okay not eww, but why couldn't he just take all of them.

Aeyka would have been a much better choice. Or even Sasami.

But at least Tenchi is evil! Yay! Now we can see what he'll do to them for just abandoning him. :)

Though I still think Tenchi and Ryoko is still kind of icky-freaky.

But isn't Ayeka like his aunt or something? Not sure...
Blanks chapter 9 . 1/25/2003
Pretty amazing fic. I have deeply enjoyed it. It has a certain touch to it that many Tenchi fics doesn't possess. The little evil voice in my head is actual rooting for Tenchi and co.

For some reason if Tokimi should die... find a way to put Kiyone with Tenchi! Big T/K fan, that I am!
Nakasoi chapter 9 . 1/25/2003
Dang, thats an interesting story! I hope you'll give ryoko some more power all 3 gems? Just and idea...please keep up the good work!
GeekyOmega chapter 1 . 1/17/2003
Great Story. Write More! Wink. Wink.
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