Reviews for The Darkness Within
Maverick1401 chapter 15 . 1/20/2005
Holy Shit man that story was so damn intense i was hanging on to every word i can't wait to read the sequal
Jibril Mudo chapter 1 . 2/16/2004
Thanks for the alternative ending, I'm glad you decided to bring out the first one out... well first - it leaves a better feeling in one's mind_
Brandon B not signed in chapter 15 . 2/2/2004
Great alt. endind. I still perfered the original one, but this one was just as good, nontheless.
Rage Buddha chapter 15 . 1/30/2004
*sniff* that was great... i love it... this series is so good! still waiting on the sequel to get an update but yeah... anyway.. this is a great series.. i shall stand by it loyally... do continue with good things like this
animewatcher chapter 14 . 1/30/2004
i read the review and this look interesting, as all the other stories, if this is good i'll read all the others
DJ Rodriguez chapter 15 . 1/30/2004
This was very good! Thank you so much ofr this alternate ending! I liked it very much! Here is an idea I hope you will like:
Tokimi is in her dimension, looking at the events on Earth. The one she particularly is very much interested in is Kasuito(?) or Yosho to be precise. She knows that he is the Prince of Jurai, and why he was there on Earth. She sees that he, Nobyuki, and his wife Kiyone are in the hospital. She goes down in her invisable astrial form to see on what is up, and sees that Kiyone is in labor. She is very much curious on what the child is, and when she sees the baby, her eyes gleam with a certain glint and sparkle. "I see a very handsome and powerful man in the future.", she says to herself. "I will watch over him, and see on what develops.", she says before she vanishes and goes back to her dimension.
How was that? Sorry if it seemed short, but I am short on time. I hope to hear from you real soon! Take care, and good luck! Keep it up!
katanamaru chapter 14 . 1/7/2004
Best Fic Ever! Actually tied with "Every Journey Begins With A Single Step." This story actually didn't appeal to me at first; Tenchi as a bad guy really seems so absurd that it is almost impossible. But with how C-Kun set up Tenchi's depression and how Lighthawkdemon1 takes it that next step really made this story work. I was rooting for Tenchi this whole fic cheering at his decent into darkness and hoping he would get his vengeance against his 'family.' Wow this story really has my blood pumpin. This was really a great fic, I just can't get over it.
Nameless Author chapter 15 . 9/29/2003
Yes, please do a prelude!

I just finished reading this story and I really liked it!

Anyway, forget those guys. They did a review on my story and I think they really marked it down because it wasn't RyokoxTenchi. The errors they pointed out were there in other fics they rated much higher. They're really known to be biased that way and they'll always knock down points for any other pairing. Oh they also review each others fics and their friends and give themselves high marks.

So I wouldn't take them too seriously. I'd leave a name but I don't know how vindictive they are.
Eriee chapter 12 . 9/23/2003
hikkiDEADACCOUNT chapter 1 . 9/20/2003

Sorry, but I guess I missed reading your review on the site and jumped to conclusions a bit, and I am sorry for that. After reading over your review, I saw that I clearly took you as someone else and didn't bother to pay any heed as to what you needed to say. I'm sorry for my arrogance and for jumping to such conclusions. I guess I had Netsurfer in mind, and not you.

We all make mistakes, and this has got to be one I truly regret, and I am sorry for misunderstanding your review and for being so ignorant.
JohnnyG chapter 15 . 9/19/2003
Hikari no Tabi, all I can say is: Wow! That's a lot of animosity for a 12 year old girl (according to your profile). It seems to me that you didn't bother to read my review or the reply I made here. I never said it sucked. BTW, this is an email message I received from lighthawkdemon last night:

Hello, I am lighthawkdemon. First and foremost I wanted to apologize to you about the notice I posted, I wasn't upset at you, but mainly Netsurfer and another person who sent in an e-mail to me that was, needless to say, shocking and quite disturbing. In my haste to get my other stories postred before I had to get offline, I forgot to look over the notice before I had posted it and for that I am sorry. I personally thought that your review was honest and to the point. It was your review that got me motivated to look over the old stories and fix them up, adding parts to fix the holes. Once I get the chance, I will fix up my mistake on the notice.



Now Hikari no Tabi, I suggest that if the author is able to recognize my review as being valid, then so should you. And as Plug said, settle down.

Anyhow, I would be more than happy to review any stories you want. However, be prepared to receive completely honest and fair criticism. If you can't take it, then such is life. If you can, email me and I'll be happy to take a look.



P.S. I apologize to lighthawkdemon for turning his review section into a forum.
Plug chapter 15 . 9/19/2003
Holy shit. Settle down, people.

You're completely taking things out of context. For one thing, JohnnyG and Netserfer didn't say your story "sucks", they simply said "it wasn't good", and pointed out WHY it wasn't good. Further, they offered you genuine criticism.

Frankly, if you can't take criticism, stop writing fanfiction. You have NO RIGHT to get angry over criticism made on a fic that YOU MADE PUBLIC of YOUR OWN FREE WILL. In fact, you should be thankful that they took the time to read your story, write about it, and be mindful and critical. Does every review have to be, "WOW THIS FIC IS AWESOME DON'T STOP OH GOD YES"?

Your fic has flaws. Get used to it. Instead of throwing a hissy fit and crying for the blood of the people who point out that you have flaws in your story, why not go back and fix them up? It makes you look more professional and less like a tantric child. And frankly, I lost a lot of respect for you with your chapter-post to rally the troops to insult intelligent people trying to help you.

Suck it up, makes some changes, and move on.
RobinofYJ chapter 15 . 9/18/2003
I really enjoy your Darkness stories. Please continue. I simply don't review much since I usually read them at the TMFFA site.
hikkiDEADACCOUNT chapter 15 . 9/18/2003
You need not question your writing skills, lighthawk, because I find them quite remarkable. You did, however, have very few mistakes, but it wasn't very noticable and bothersome. Feel free to ramble on however you like, because I won't stop just because it's off-topic.

About that Prelude, that's an absolutely wonderful idea! Perhaps you can add tidbits of Achika in there walking up Tenchi to the cave and him seeing Ryouko's spirit there and talking to her. That'd be kinda cute to see.

As for their reviews... WHAT ARE THEY, FUCKING CRAZY? This story is well written for someone who claims to be a "beginner" and they say it sucks? WTF! *Continues to beat Netsurfer and JohnnyG to bloody pulps* Just hell with them and keep writing.

And for the hell of it I'll post one of my fics and see how they like it. Lemme see... jeez, how would they feel about a Shoujo-ai, eh?
JohnnyG chapter 15 . 9/17/2003
It's obvious that you weren't as upset by the review that I wrote as you were by the one that NetSerfer wrote. I say that since you didn't have anything to say to me by name. However, you did make a few general statements about both reviews that I wanted to speak about.

First, you stated that both reviews were harsh and unfair. I challenge you to quote one thing that I wrote in my review that was either. I pointed out what I liked about the story and what I didn't, plain and simple. Also, the way the review system works I gave you a 6 out of 11. Not the best, but certainly not awful. I'm sorry that your ego wasn't able to handle that.

You also state that I disliked your work. Which part of this statement wasn't clear: "For all its technical faults, as well as several characterization issues, I found the underlying story of Tenchi becoming a champion of darkness compelling." Does that mean I disliked it? No. It means I thought it had issues but was still a good story.

I'm sorry that you think my review was ridiculous and horrific. If you're unable to take a review like mine that talks about both the good and bad things you're doing, then I would say the problem lies with you, not the review. And I don't expect your stories to be perfect, hell mine aren't even close, but I think that asking a few people to help proofread for you would go a long ways towards helping your stories be the best they can be.

BTW, I added the following to my review: I would like to make a clarification about the Dallas reference I made. For those of you who haven’t watched the show, they did an entire season with one of the main characters dead (Patrick Duffy left the show). Then he wanted to come back so they had his wife wake up at the end of the season with him in the shower. The whole previous season had been a dream. It was considered very hokey at the time and I think the same premise holds true today.

Anyhow, I do hope you keep writing. As I mentioned, I like your story. I think you have great ideas and simply have some trouble getting them put into a story. How does one improve that? You keep writing and ask other writers for assistance. Best of luck and I do intend on reading more of your stories as they come out.
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