Reviews for So Quietly
UltimateNinjaOfDoom chapter 1 . 7/30/2013
that was a very interesting story Aragorn is not very tactful is he
VaniaHepskins chapter 1 . 5/18/2003
Oh! Please update soon!

Im a mexican girl who loves that pairing A/L.. please continues it!

klytaemnestra chapter 1 . 1/17/2003
I'm not usually that huge a fan of Legolas/Aragorn due to the fact that I think it conflicts with certain things. However, one must write a really gripping story for me to review in the first place, therefore, I generally was fond of this one. Legolas seemed more than true to the character of both the book and the film.
Earendilstar chapter 1 . 1/17/2003
Oooh! Oh man, harsh! I LIKE THAT! .cheers. Great fic! Oh my god that was great! Keep up the awesome writing! Luv, Baby.
Minka chapter 1 . 1/17/2003
I was kind of ewwed out at the beginning because it was really eww – god I am good at constructing proper English sentences tonight!

What I MEANT to say was, that I do not mind slash and all, but I seem to swerve off anything even remotely graphic (and yet I write detailed battle and torture scenes – I don’t get it!) but anyway, I am actually really glad that I kept reading! I loved the ending – just that last sentence that told what the entire thing was about! Perfect! I mean, I can see Aragorn and Legolas together and I think they make quite a cute couple, but I never once could see Legolas as the catamite lover that everyone makes him out to be – you know, just stand by and fill Aragorn’s bed when Arwen could not. And then to have Aragorn say *that* well, the Legolas that I have concocted in my mind from both books and movies would be likely to tear his throat out! Lol.

Anyway, a wonderful little tale! A few grammar and spelling mistakes but we all have those! Loved the concept and well done!
