Reviews for A Six Month Journey
RedDragon777 chapter 31 . 9/28/2024
Amazing story ! Thank for publishing here this masterpiece.
kellienew18 chapter 31 . 3/12/2024
Just wanted to let you know that this is still one of my favorite NaLu fanfics! I don’t know if you plan to continue, I’m sure you have a lot on your plate irl. I hope ro see what happens next, but either way, you are extremely talented and understand these characters so well. Job well done!
Asuna11 chapter 31 . 9/3/2023
Dragon Natsu, human Natsu, dragon slayer Natsu. All Natsu are so sweet!
kellienew18 chapter 31 . 7/15/2023
Please keep going! I love this story so much! You are so talented!
guest chapter 31 . 5/11/2023
oh I really can't wait for the next chapter. I first found this on wattpad and only found 29 chapters so imagine my surprise of finding it on . with two extra chapters. oh boy was I acting like a kid on Christmas morning or a giddy wizard going to honeydukes sweet shop for the first time. lol. Please update when you can no pressure. I really do love the storyline and you left it on cliffhanger. Keep up the great wonderful work you do.
love is ia good chapter 31 . 3/7/2023
love this is good
Guest chapter 31 . 2/5/2023
love it
iqbal41 chapter 31 . 12/8/2022
love it so far! cant wait for the next chapter :)
Guest chapter 31 . 11/19/2022
Dragon and human Natsu are badass cool
Mindy B chapter 31 . 10/6/2022
Aaaaa when will this be updated! No pressure but... argh, I just love your story! Trying my best to patiently wait!
Soukhya chapter 31 . 9/1/2022
Love this story, can’t wait for the next chapter.
TaraPasty chapter 31 . 8/22/2022
I love Dragon Natsu, such a personality!
Guest chapter 31 . 7/30/2022
Dragon Natsu is so adorabl-.. I mean fierce! *sweatdrop* He is very nice to Lucy but also quite mischievous and honest!
Guest chapter 31 . 7/22/2022
I keep re-reading this story, it's so good! I know your looking for feedback but honestly I'm enjoying everything your doing with it. I can't wait to see what happens. I am a fan of surprises, and this anticipation just keeps building! Until the next update I'll keep re-reading! You really are a gifted writer :)
Ebasete chapter 31 . 7/18/2022
Omg you have me so freaking hooked! It's so good!
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