Reviews for Embracing Lifes Riddles Without Asking Questions
90s girl chapter 1 . 12/20/2024
I just came across the story and it is so very good. I can’t wait to see what you have for the story in the future please update this is wonderful.
Lolibutterfly chapter 1 . 12/16/2024
Harry is Nifty!
Guest chapter 19 . 11/27/2024
Come back?
Uzukaki chapter 19 . 11/15/2024
This is a great story. Short though it is due to being unfinished, it is a marvelous AU that seamlessly incorporates characters from other fandoms. Edward Elric as the professor of alchemy was something that just worked. 10/10 recommend. Very enjoyable read, and the point it leaves off on is open-ended enough that, although you still want more, you aren't left feeling cheated
Chris Fox chapter 19 . 11/9/2024
I really hope that you will write more of this, I'm really enjoying it. Even with the cross over FMA And Frozen. It dose not throw the story off and its been a really fun read so far!
Guest chapter 19 . 10/23/2024
Please please please finish the story I love it and would love for you to continue it
Cele13hrt chapter 14 . 10/21/2024
I don't think you ever addressed the fact that Iris is now in Harry's body. I'd like to see you do something with that.
Cele13hrt chapter 19 . 9/28/2024
This is quite fun, please continue it!
Cele13hrt chapter 11 . 9/28/2024
I love the idea that Harry is now unsure of whether or not he's kept Tom from becoming Voldemort or if he's now just joined him by accident.
Nekotamo chapter 19 . 8/24/2024
Heey, really liked the story. I am generally a fan of Voldie being set on a better path. Not so much so he would be a better person, I just think it is a waste for such a gifted mage to go to such ruin :D This story definitely promises to go down exactly that alley. And your Harry turned Iris is no less a treat, those two are both cute and terrifying. Don't change anything!

Hope to see more of this, and if you write it I will read it :)
BeyondTheDive chapter 19 . 8/5/2024
Oh I need more! I love that you brought in not just Fullmetal Alchemist, but Frozen as well! Might see we the lil rock trolls coming to help Min?
brisinger 1991 chapter 19 . 7/20/2024
This is an awesome story
Argonaut986 chapter 19 . 7/16/2024
Well… that’s going to be a problem…
Argonaut986 chapter 18 . 7/16/2024
Oh deer, that was amusing…
Argonaut986 chapter 17 . 7/16/2024
Talk about surprising developments…
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