Reviews for Embracing Lifes Riddles Without Asking Questions
John24222 chapter 2 . 4/7/2022
Damn its just as good the second time through as the first. Each chapter you wright is just so great, the characters are really well done the interaction between them has me hooked nemesis you truly have a gift for wrighting.
AdaDiya chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
Loved the update
RedOuroboros chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
nice a new chapter, looking forward to more
John24222 chapter 1 . 4/7/2022
Ah yes forgot about how iris met tom but yeah now i i remember why i got sucked in punching tom in the face then deciding to be friends. Great first chapter. Now on to reread chapter two
John24222 chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
Thanks for the chapter. Thought this died but happy to see otherwise. Its truly a treat to see it back hope to see more. Now im off to start a reread of this to refresh my memory cause while i may remember the broad strokes i dont remember the fine details. And one again thanks for posting
LadyHopeofGallifrey chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
Brilliant and exciting chapter! Loved it! :)
Asviloka chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
Yaw6113 chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and enjoyed it a lot. I am sorry if I am being rude I don’t mean to be rude but I really like your story.
dialNforNinja chapter 1 . 4/7/2022
Wow, the AO3 version is way behind. Could you update there too? I kinda hate FFn, even if it is the easier place to find updates when they happen. I'll review the new chapter when I get to it!
That2-one3-girl4 chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
Thanks for the hard work!
Can't wait to read more.
randomplotbunny chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
Gurgaraneth chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
Love it
Krysania chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
Mia Carlisle chapter 19 . 4/7/2022
I'm soooo happy when I see the update! Can't wait to see more amazing chapters!
suziq968 chapter 9 . 4/7/2022
Lord Voldemort just curled up and died!
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