Reviews for Summoner of the League
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 23 . 9/27/2024

Damn, the chapter really is short this time around.
Anyways, isaribi studying is something new i suppose, but Naruto taking on riven and irelia at the same time even if its just sparring is kinda amazing. Although i wonder, what'll happen if kurama and Naruto with he's light dragon form activated kurama cloak? Then Naruto would be even more stronger right? And add in sage mode to that and once Naruto die and get revived receiving the sage of six paths power's, then Naruto practically be unstoppable! Especially with the gudodama!

Anyways, it's nice to see Naruto and Ashe interact again! After not seeing them interact for so long, it feels refreshing!:but can it even be possible for Ashe to be a sura? Won't she be one of Naruto wives? Same goes for ahri? Or is that just to deepen their connection? Interesting nonetheless! Also can't wait for Katarina surprise when she sees Naruto dragon form and those rumors she heard weren't rumors at all!

Hmm, so Naruto harem consists of Ashe, fiora, ahri, Leona, Diana, irelia and Akali, with three vacant spots left...i wonder who the last three would be? I hope Katarina is one of them.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 22 . 9/27/2024

It's nice that kurama finally made an appearance in this chapter, although it's not much it's still nice. Hm, will soraka be able heal Mei throat? Or even grow a new organ? Will karma be with Naruto just as she had been with Minato?

And also, why does this chapter feels like it's gotten short
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 21 . 9/27/2024

Ok, glad that Ashe and anivia had made up now...but it's rather worrisome that Ashe people might go behind her back and ask that trynda or something guy. i hope against all hopes that i'm wrong, but something tells me Naruto will come to help her anyways, i just hope nothing happens to Ashe.

Hmmmm, gotta ask, why bring Mei along when she'll be more of a burden in a battlefield? Like breh, why bring a malnourished woman in the field of battle where they can potentially die. Not the most smartest thing Naruto have done, lol. But it is kinda amusing and cute that Naruto still noticed irelia stunning beauty and voice amidst the chaos that's about to unfold!

Anyways, speaking of darkness, will the darkin make an appearance in this story? Like say, aatrox? Anyways, going back to the original topic at hand, the moment Naruto entered the battlefield was really awsome! You did well writing such a scene out! Everything from Naruto appearance in the middle of both the lionan and noxus is well written and awsome!

Oh and as always, the banter between you and your wife is as amusing to read as ever!
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 20 . 9/26/2024

Ok, nice chapter, but seriously...happy to see that Naruto and Mei are getting along, but why did Mei blush when she got kissed at the cheek? Hmmm, does she not know that Naruto see her as a daughter of some sort? Ngl, this is kinda confusing.

Hm, it's nice to see that Naruto can still be compassionate, especially when he helped riven.
Although i'm curious, will riven be the final woman to be in Naruto harem? Cuz so far, there's ahri, fiora, Ashe, Diana, Leona and irelia...all that's left is one girl.

Anyways, i hope it'll be Katarina instead of riven that'll be with Naruto instead, just feels right for Naruto to also like a red haired woman ya know? Like father and son and all that.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 19 . 9/26/2024

It's good that fiora doesn't want chakra to be explored and be brought into runeterra...but i hope she and Naruto doesn't become enemies...specially since Naruto did say noxus and demacia will pay...
Seriously, this is becoming complicated, how will fiora and Naruto be together if Naruto makes an enemy out of demacia? I just hope it doesn't come to that.

Hm, it's interesting that irelia and Naruto relationship progress took such a sudden turn, even more interesting that Naruto could beat her troops which are Chunin level...? Also, jinpachi, kushimaru and ameyuri aren't S rank right? Same goes for Kakashi, they are just all A rank Shinobi...the prime example of an S rank is the akatsuki which can go toe to toe against tailed beasts holder's.

Although it is concerning that Naruto said that demacia will pay, especially considering that demacia have fiora...also, i take it Mei in this story would be able to speak again once she gets even more help? Also, really awsome on how you have written the scene of Naruto power's going out of control for a bit.

And finally! Some progress with ahri! I wonder if Naruto and ahri will kiss or do more than kissing next time? Damn, i can't wait! Hazah!
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 18 . 9/25/2024

It's nice to see Naruto start becoming a full dragon of light after spending some time in runeterra, ngl, this just made me wonder if Naruto would grow up a few years and stop aging like Minato. Also really surprised that Naruto dragon would even allow the guards to disrespect and disregard him, though i guess it makes sense with Naruto being in a foreign land and all that, wouldn't do good to make enemies early on...well, Jericho is an exception since he's a crazy old goon.

Hm, it's nice to see the perspective of noxus people, although this makes me wonder, will Katarina be swayed by Naruto and join Naruto? And maybe even join Naruto's harem? I mean come on, like father like son, both liking redheaded women. Auburn hair doesn't count, since Mei wants a servant and master relationship while Naruto want a father and daughter relationship with her.

Hm, it really was an unexpected yet well written way of introducing irelia, that and seeing Naruto and irelia hit it off and have a chemistry right from the start is kinda amusing. Makes me look forward for more scenes between them tbh, although i'm surprised that Naruto just dashed off like that. Meh, Naruto didn't get away from her anyways cuz they met once more lmao
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 17 . 9/25/2024

I won't lie, this chapter is wonderful, but yozora is starting to get annoying with her science...and the gal to even think that something from runeterra should be brought back to konoha is absurd! Anyways, it was really surprised that the golems immediately recognized Naruto, although it's strange that Naruto didn't just Show his wings to the mortals of liona.

Hm, i wonder how Naruto teammates from team 7 will react to finding or about Naruto new status and being the son of the yondaime Hokage? A certain uchiha reaction would certainly be humorous.

And as for Jericho, that guy really is a power hungry mongrel, only thing he did right was helping bringing Katarina into the world, but what does the vision of Jericho and Naruto means? Anyways, i really look forward to seeing Katarina meet Naruto...

And as for fiora, hm, i wonder when Naruto and her would cross paths again? Ngl, i can't wait for Naruto to go to demacia. I just hope it happens soon rather than later, that and i can't wait to see lux reaction especially shyvana! I just know their reactions would be epic!

Anyways, the banter between you and your wife is as always, humourous, you have written this chapter well!
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 16 . 9/25/2024

Wow, i gotta say this is the best chapter now for me! It revealed so many things! But it is disappointing that ahri had gone back to runeterra, but it seems it'll matter not since Naruto and her would see each other soon enough.

Although, i never expected xayah and ahri to interact in this chapter...but ahri getting approval from the light dragons, doesn't that mean ahri is the first spouse/wife of Naruto? Damn, i can't wait for more of their interactions! Heck, i can't wait for runeterra inhabitants reaction to the light dragon coming back!

Hm, it's nice to see that Ashe is still hard at work at finding a way to bring Naruto to runeterra, but it's even nicer that Ashe had finally acknowledge her feelings for Naruto! Damn, i can't wait to see them interact again...and i have a feeling anivia would have fun teasing Ashe about it when the time comes.

And wawiiiiii! It finally came! The revelation of Naruto parentage and lineage, damn, this chapter is really satisfying! Although i won't lie when i say i'm surprised, since doesn't this mean that Minato, the creator of the rasengan uses magic to create the rasengan? Doesn't that mean Naruto can still learn the rasengan!? And once Naruto learns sage mode, Naruto can learn to seperate magic, chakra and nature energy! Damn, now that's real OP! Although i do wonder why did you bring Mei, isaribi and yozora with Naruto to runeterra...
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 15 . 9/24/2024

I can't believe there's only 18 chapters left...hah, i hope you would update this soon, this is a great fic afterall and as always the banter you have with your wife before the chapter starts and ends is really a wholesome read.

Anyways, i really hope that slimy filthy MF of a war hawk doesn't do anything to Mei or isaribi or ahri, seriously hope that they would just stay away from Mei even if that war hawk wants to unravel kiri secrets through her.

Anyways, i didn't expect fiora to contact Heimerdinger, not gonna lie...i hope she gets a way to bring Naruto to runeterra first, but i have a feeling Ashe would be the one to do it first with the help of anivia.

Oh and i'm glad that i was right and that is got to see jarvan and the other's reaction to fiora revelations! Now i wonder how shyvana would react to a light dragon who by all rights is the ruler of dragon kin and maybe even runeterra(?) i really can't help but look forward to the day shyvana and Naruto would meet! Cuz i can tell, that'll be a veryyyyy HEATED chapter! Hah! See what is did there! Anyways, excluding my horrendous pun, i really look forward to Naruto going to demacia.

And yes! With this is just know ahri and Naruto relationship had progressed even more! Ah, i wonder though if Naruto remember that Minato said he's a light dragon? I really hope that he does, oh and i also can't wait for Minato and Naruto meeting! Ah, i can't wait! It'll be a fantastic reunion! Also, the way you have written the scene with ahri and Naruto before they got sucked into the visions(memories of the past/future(?)!)is really well written and wholesome.

Good job with this chapter man, you did great! Oh and isn't a provisional jonin just the same as a tokubetsu jonin? It's like how anko was.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 14 . 9/24/2024

Lmao, the banter between you and your wife is really amusing to read, that and it's refreshing since most author's just say in their AN about the flamers or the lack of reviews. Ah, the banter of you and your wife is really a refreshing change.

Anyways, moving to the chapter itself, i really was surprised at how it started with fiora already marrying and then that got me to thinking that it must have just been a dream or vision she foresaw, although it's amusing that even though she's gonna be marrying Naruto, she still didn't give her dream much thought after waking up. That and i won't lie when i read upon ammdar being the temporary head of the house, i thought he would have replaced fiora and usurped her rule, but thankfully it wasn't like that, good thing ammdar is just a a caring brother and not a noble that would stab their family in the back in times of weakness...although i am looking forward to their reaction to the revelation that fiora will reveal to them, so i hope that it's also in the next chapter.

Also, it was a surprise to see taric in this chapter, since i thought all of the one's Naruto would call from runeterra would be women. But i'm glad that taric wisdom was able to help Naruto in a way, although i do hope that Naruto would be informed of his parentage soon and seeing as hiruzen called for him, I'd be expecting that in the next chapter.

Oh and in Naruto visions or rather forgotten memories, that was Minato right? Right!? So does that mean Minato is still alive there somewhere out of reach? Or will it be like in the manga where Minato sealed some of his and kushina spirit into Naruto to guide him? Damnit, i can't help but look forward to it!

And lastly, i really did Like the development between ahri and Naruto, no matter how small of a development it may have been it was still progress with their relationship. That and it really was the most wholesome scene that i've seen currently in this fic, so i hope there will be more scenes with the two of them being like that. As for Mei, it really is cute that she's acting more and more like a daughter to Naruto, same for isaribi, although i have feeling isaribi and naruto doesn't exactly have that same daughter and father relationship that Mei and Naruto have, but oh well...but seriously, did isaribi had to ruin the moment between Naruto and ahri? Ah, it was just getting good too!
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 13 . 9/24/2024

Ok, that was a wholesome chapter! Also, runeterra really does like Naruto going into mountain's huh? And also, was that Minato that just appeared behind Naruto? Damn it, i really can't wait to see Minato and Naruto interact! I really hope Naruto discover his parentage soon! I can't wait for even more wholesome chapter's to come!

That and i can understand Naruto position with Mei, although ngl, Naruto thinking of Mei as a daughter is wholesome don't get me wrong...but i can't help but wonder, will Mei look up to Naruto ad more than a faster but a father instead? Because right now, all she sees Naruto as is a master bad her light, not like how Naruto see her as a daughter. So it really hope Mei soon sees Naruto in a new light, in other words, a father. Cuz i really do like the idea of Naruto and Mei having a father and daughter relationship.

Also, it really was wholesome to see Naruto and ahri interact, that and i can't help but be excited for the chapter's i haven't read yet since ahri would be sticking around! I hope there would be more scenes of just the two of them, it'd be really nice to see their relationship progress more.

Oh and Naruto really had balls of steel to do that infront of hiruzen, to not only threaten the Hokage and actually win is an amazing feat. Now if wonder if hiruzen would tell Naruto about his parentage anytime soon? It'll certainly help Naruto solve some of the thing's that are plaguing him.

Anyways, as for team 7 reaction to ahri, it was priceless! Comical even! Same for hiruzen, hell, i can't stop cackling when read that part! LMFAO
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 12 . 9/24/2024

That was one hell of a long ass chapter.
Anyways, it's expected that Naruto have slight hate for the village but that begs the question of whether hiruzen knows of Naruto true power or not...i just hope Naruto confront hiruzen once they got back to the leaf.

As for the fight scenes with jinpachi, kushimaru and Naruto, it's actually badass! Ngl, i wonder if Naruto would be on the bingo book after defeating the two of them? And also the way Naruto got all crazy the moment he saw Mei get "killed" was really other words, it was written well.

But seeing as how Ashe, Annie, fiora, Evelynn and ahri began to also glow white, does that mean they have some kind of connection that'll let them feel each other...? I mean come on, they even knew that Naruto was the one shaking the whole runeterra!

But the scene that really got me wanting to hurry on reading is when it looked like fiora died! But then i remembered plot armor because she's one of Naruto woman, then there'll be a way! Just didn't expected it to be so badass! Although i do wonder, will fiora give Naruto the kiba? Cuz ngl, the kiba is better than that toothpick of a sword.

Also i really didn't expect you to choose that way of making ahri appear! Not gonna lie, i honestly thought that leona would be the one to appear...but i ain't gonna complain, cuz ahri appearing might mean that kurama will finally make a fucking appearance! And i really expect kurama to not be needed here, especially since in the manga it was said that kurama can destroy the world merely just by releasing his chakra, which would make sense how he would be able to kill Minato who is part of the light dragon species.

Anyways, overall, this chapter is one hell of a ride! You did well in this chapter!
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 11 . 9/23/2024

Jinpachi really is a murderous fuck in this chapter.

Also, really awsome and we'll written fighting scenes for fiora! Although it's saddening that you didn't put in the fight scene of fiora and ameyuri in this chapter, but it's still awsome nonetheless! That and i really can't wait for Kakashi to see Naruto new look, i just hope Naruto would learn soon enough that he is the son of the fourth Hokage and kushina.

Hm, so in this fic of yours Naruto don't have chakra, but that would also apply to how did Minato use the flying raijin and rasengan? And if Minato can use the rasengan, you'd have Naruto learn it won't you? Cuz not gonna lie, that's the iconic technique of Naruto. Also how did isaribi get possessed by Naruto ancestors? Like bruh, the fight scene was awsome! But still, just how did it happen when isaribi is a full complete human? Is it because of her being around Naruto for too long?

Naruto and sasuke working together is really a refreshing chapter, although now i wonder, where would Naruto place Mei for her not to be discovered and fight jinpachi and kushimaru with sasuke? Man, this chapter is awsome as fuck, but it made me have too many questions.

Anyways you and your wife banter is also really fun to read.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 10 . 9/22/2024

It really was funny to see Sejuani reaction to how Ashe whoop her arse! Although, i wonder how she'll react if she finds out a 12 year old played her like a fool?

Anyways, i'm really glad that you've shown what happened on Ashe end, it's also nice to see that she has feelings for Naruto although she hadn't realized it yet...i hope to see more development between Ashe and Naruto in the chapters ahead, just like how Naruto and Fiora had grown closer for both of them to realize that there is atleast something that they feel towards each other. I can't wait for more wholesome scenes.

Lmao, sasuke reaction to Naruto being alive was sooooo accurate!

Speaking of, does yozora knows Naruto is the fourth Hokage son? I mean, come on! So noticed it, no way a genius scientists like her couldn't right...? Also looking forward to Kakashi seeing Naruto again, it'll be quite amusing to read the reaction he'll have to seeing a miniature Minato.

And once more, i really am glad that there are small bits of wholesomeness in this chapter between fiora and Naruto. I just hope there's more of it on the chapter's's also kinda nice that Naruto knows more about fiora then she does herself, likewise for fiora wanting to find out more about Naruto.

Now for the fake Mei, how did they even create a blood clone of her and control it? I mean come on, that's the only possibility to it, the fake is a blood clone!
Although i do wonder if the fake Mei vocal cords can be implanted to the real one so she can speak again, cuz ngl, a mute and weak Mei is just...too much.
rosaurocunanan16 chapter 9 . 9/21/2024

This is an amazing chapter, i really like that fiora and Naruto relationship have improved in the time they we're together, especially fiora little moments of jealousy! Hah!

Also, speaking of...why did kushimaru, ameyuri, and jinpachi just doesn't used water walking to chase after Naruto? I mean come on, they should know something so simple! I really do hope that you didn't forget those kind of thing's since it's been in the back of my mind ever since chapter bruh, how can elite Shinobi of kiri be incapable of water walking...the most basic thing a ninja can do!
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