Reviews for Anyway, I've Been There
Monkey D. Conan chapter 109 . 5/23/2021
That’s how it’s done son! Who knew Dipper had actual game? Nice work! Can’t wait for more!
artfully chapter 109 . 5/23/2021
aww thats so cute
SHDW chapter 15 . 5/20/2021
Fallout 76 anyone? no? alright, I'll show myself out.
AGENTDB2 chapter 108 . 5/15/2021
i must say; as a person with a GCSE in english language/literature, and soon to be A-Levels in Film Studies and English Language; i loved that little author's note at the end of chapter 108. really helpful (and i am DEFINITELY stealing that for an essay or 3)
willam and jack and jake chapter 108 . 5/9/2021
well done
AnonymouslyKnown chapter 108 . 5/8/2021
I can't wait for the next chapter to come out. Pacifica and Dipper are cute together. Can't wait for the next crazy thing they encounter.
Guest chapter 107 . 5/7/2021
I am still continually stunned by the fact that this entire story just seems so much like the GF season 3 we never got. I've said it before, but I'll say it again for emphasis - your characterisation is perfect. The jokes and words used by each character is PERFECT. I could see that line about inflammable being in the actual show.

- INFUSCATE (too lazy to log in)
Infuscate chapter 106 . 5/7/2021
That ending... Never felt so jealous of a fictional character before... I just want a hug :(
drizma chapter 54 . 5/4/2021
For some reason I thought they only got back in ch 100
TheReturnToTheFalls chapter 108 . 4/25/2021
“And once the status quo has been reestablished, it can be broken again.”

Is that a hint of foreshadowing I sense? Maybe not, but very interesting nonetheless!
Artemis Raven Courtney chapter 108 . 4/20/2021
You know, you’re really talented. Any writer can mess with the status quo subconsciously, but to consciously set up the status quo only to knock it down again is both extremely interesting and takes a lot of practice and skill. I blew through dozens of chapters of this story in one sitting last year and I’ve gotta say, you have what it takes to be a novelist.
prager152 chapter 108 . 4/19/2021
Thanks for the upload, new chapters from you are always Something to look forward too, no matter how much of a tough spot i'm in at the Moment.
Also, you definietly got your theories about meeting a status qo right, cause I get extreme cases of nostalgia from almost all your chapters, which is pretty impressive, considering the fact that I'm reading them for the first time.
So keep doing what you're doing and have a great time.
Anon chapter 108 . 4/18/2021
Just caught up, this has been easily the best GF fanfic I’ve read so far, keep it up.
wgolyoko chapter 108 . 4/18/2021
I personnaly love these tiny chapters where we get to explore the characters (and the town) in a tranquil pace. The character drama feels much more real when it's not just tied to whatever happens in the main scenario. The chapter is well named
GuntherRiechwald chapter 108 . 4/17/2021
Pretty spot on with game tourneys
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