Reviews for Anyway, I've Been There
MaxandFang101 chapter 125 . 6/27/2023
! Is Pacifica going to Piedmont? Or Gravity Falls? I assume Gravity Falls would be cheaper but I'm excited for where this is going.

All the stuff going on with Pacifica hurts my heart but the dialogue between her and her mother is soooo good. Really captures them and their emotions.

When Soos stopped by to visit I genuinely started crying because it was just such a nice moment.

I like how you've had the last three chapters be from the kids' perspectives. I think that was a great choice to move them along through the school year in an interesting way that makes you feel like you didn't miss out on anything. Like it's not really a time skip.

Thank you, as always, for continuing to write this story :)
MaxandFang101 chapter 124 . 6/27/2023
Oh wow, gut punch. Mabel's thoughts are giving me sad, bittersweet feelings and I really love the way you write. So glad to be catching up on all these chapters!
MaxandFang101 chapter 123 . 6/27/2023
Poor Dipper :( I really enjoyed this chapter. You're going deep into exploring the trauma and I think it's great. It makes it all feel real and scary for them.
MaxandFang101 chapter 122 . 6/26/2023
So bittersweet. I will miss all of Gravity Falls characters. I love this story so much.
MaxandFang101 chapter 121 . 6/25/2023
Wow. Those scenes in the ship were so realistic and detailed I genuinely had to remind myself several times that the events were not real. That's partially due to me reading before bed and the reading jumbling with the dreams and partially because you are just a fantastic storyteller. I cannot believe Wendy almost died. I was so worried for her, even though I knew she probably would be okay, but what a scary situation. Such a great great chapter and it's really interesting to see how the ship connects to the hearts. This is an incredible story. Thank you for continuing to write it.
YuniX-2 chapter 125 . 6/23/2023
What a great chapter! I think Pacifica's mother loves her more than Pacifica gives her credit for. She's just never had role models for how to be a good mother, or be any different than the rich debutante she was raised to be. I hope this is the beginning of some amount of reconciliation between the two of them. Pacifica is a little younger than the age where most people realize their parents are just people, no more infallible and no less damaged than themselves. But in Pacifica's case, I wouldn't be surprised if she was forced to see her mother's humanity a little earlier than most kids.
Renegade Pizza chapter 125 . 6/23/2023
The worst/best part of this chapter is the feeling of Pacifica's souring view of her life at first feeling like what could perhaps be viewed as teenager angst... only to *keep getting worse* and more realistic. The way she's taken to treating/dealing with this fake life she's forced to live, feeling like her old one is this horribly addictive substance she has to hide and ration lest it be ripped away from her or *worse*, become even more starved for it?

The moments where she gets up and breaks her monotone routines of suffering aren't because of boredom or hope, but anger and spite, only for all of it to fade at the slightest hint of her old life? Soos gave that girl hope, and even still she has to ration it. It just puts into context how badly this girl has been coping, and even worse how careless her mother has been to not notice it.

Hopefully, she gets the one thing she wants, otherwise her mother is only going to insist on more stringent measures which will only ensure her desperation. That girl would fucking *walk* to piedmont or gravity falls from the other side of the country if she lost her comms, I'm betting.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 125 . 6/23/2023
Yeeouch, I'd take Dipper's PTSD over Pacifica's depression any day. That's one of the hardest possible things to deal with, especially on your own like that.
Oh, did I say on your own? I meant with your parents actively working against you. I'm so glad Pacifica is at least able to get some interaction with her friends, digitally and rarely in person. She really needed that hug.
Scarlett-Parker-19 chapter 125 . 6/23/2023
Now I really want a Pitt Cola.

This was so good!
I didn't miss the similarity between Dipper and Mabel missing Gravity Falls and feeling better over Pitt Cola, and Pacifica missing times with the twins and also feeling better over Pitt Cola.

I also really like how well the song lyrics at the end fit Pacifica's shirt collection and how she feels about them.
Mr. Haziq chapter 125 . 6/23/2023
Not great on her end
MaxandFang101 chapter 120 . 6/17/2023
This is a really sweet chapter from Stan's perspective. I'm actually crying. I really love Stan and I think you really nailed his character. It's nice to read about his reflection.
MaxandFang101 chapter 119 . 6/15/2023
This chapter gives me all of the feel-good feelings. It just warms my heart that Mabel and Brendan are going to try long distance and Dipper and Pacifica are cute and Wendy! My girl Wendy is the best. Love her life plans. And I love the theories about the weirdness. You've definitely put so much thought into it and it's so good. Thank you for writing this story!
MaxandFang101 chapter 118 . 6/14/2023
I loved the description of the rides because I was always way too much of a coward for the Gravitron and the Zipper and never knew how the Gravitron worked.
GuardianOfFey chapter 5 . 6/12/2023
It makes sense Dipper would go with Mable because this time Wendy isn't a factor after all.
willam and jack and jake chapter 124 . 6/8/2023
well done
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