Reviews for Pictures of You
jehnarz chapter 8 . 12/11/2024
Randomly leaving a comment here because this made me think of (and miss) Flourishing Devotion, and then I saw your AN and realized you wrote that! What a coincidence!
Hupsidupsi chapter 29 . 8/25/2024
Thank you for this great story! You have a wondeful talent!
SweetRose19 chapter 29 . 5/8/2024
This is one of my favorite fics of all time its so good and so well written!
neptuneskiff chapter 29 . 2/11/2024
Loved this story just read it straight theough over the last two days! Thanks o much for sharing it. Loved it.
LittleRedRidingHale chapter 19 . 12/4/2023
Not me sitting here wondering WTF is going on with Rudolphas!
cdmartinez chapter 29 . 6/6/2023
Very different. Loved it!
Bibis Pandora chapter 29 . 4/14/2023
lao a
lado b
laco aa

TheLittlePrincesFox chapter 28 . 4/4/2023
Wait, this was your FIRST fic? it's so good! excellent reading, thank you
TheLittlePrincesFox chapter 25 . 4/4/2023
I am typically a silent reader, hence why I haven't commented until now. I am a HUGE Sevmione shipper, so even though this story doesn't focus on them or their relationship, I am so glad to have been able to read this chapter detailing his heart and mind around Hermione in this fic. You are an incredible writer! And I do love Antonin and Hermione together as well.
Sandy2348 chapter 29 . 12/24/2022
Loved this story!
Kate chapter 29 . 10/13/2022
I fucking LOVED this story! It's so so late and I'm so so tired and I'm gonna be fucked for work in the morning but I just couldn't stop reading, I haven't felt this compulsion to keep reading a fic in honestly years. I loved it, you are an exceptional writer, thank you for writing this!
acetwolf94 chapter 29 . 9/8/2022
Sunny9927 chapter 22 . 8/18/2022
actually the one who figure the cup is harry not hermione. thats why i dont like the movie. the movie making harry look like he cant do anything without hermione. but the truth is harry figure everything like the locket, the cup, the diadem, even himself as the last horcrux. well i must admit about the sword. but the rest of it isbharry who the one to figure it out. even harry who finally believe about the hollows. so its can save his live when riddle kill him.
nif-ravenpuff chapter 29 . 7/4/2022
Wow, you are an incredible writer. Beautiful, unique friendships and relationships! And your flexibility from story to story keeps everything fresh.
Clark959 chapter 29 . 5/21/2022
Very enjoyable story.
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