Reviews for The Returning Legend
Guest chapter 28 . 1/14
A wonderful story I’m saddened to think it was abandoned or perhaps just forgotten. Farewell Friend I enjoyed it while it lasted.- S.K.
lol chapter 28 . 6/9/2024
Bruh if this thing was any more good i would suspect you are percy telling the story of your life
Child of Selene chapter 28 . 2/9/2024
Please continue this. Its sooooooooooooooooo gud!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14/2023
“Heeeey” really? That’s the best you’ve got for an excuse. Fuck I hope you’re dead. Fucking faggot. This story had so much promise but your fairy faggot nonce of a retard brain ruined it.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14/2023
Good gods man… decades of supposed battle experience and your version of Percy is still fucking retarded. Fucking kill yourself and do the world a favour. Stop writing trash and actually read through your stories. Maybe you’ll learn something
Johnny Popper76 chapter 28 . 8/2/2023
Please finish this story! It is one of, if not the best, book I have read on here, and I have read hundreds.
Knighmare6 chapter 28 . 8/1/2023
This is legit the best fanfic I've ever read, and I've read A LOT. If you won't ever continue this masterpiece pls let us know so we won't have false hope.
Melantha the dark wolf chapter 28 . 7/23/2023
Will you ever be continuing this amazing story?
Ena-u Genarian chapter 28 . 7/20/2023
Soooo good! Please update?
Guest chapter 28 . 7/11/2023
Love it! It’s great! One of the best fanfics i’ve ever read!
TheNerdyCousin chapter 5 . 4/19/2023
Abhimanyu Singh chapter 10 . 3/19/2023
Percy is 6 feet
LivelyandLate chapter 28 . 2/23/2023
Nect chp pleaseeee
Superb plot
Joshua 3of7 chapter 28 . 1/30/2023
I have read the whole thing and love it but I want to know if you plan on finishing it.
MichelleCheung chapter 19 . 12/16/2022
your work is amazing you could become a real writer.
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