Reviews for Walking Dead Wizard
Lillaewen chapter 125 . 6/19/2024
I usually dont read stories that are not finished but I couldn't help myself with this one. These two worlds colliding was a very enjoyable and fascinating read. Up until now I have read this story three times and I am looking forward to future updates and seeing this story unfold and eventually complete to a satisfying ending. Thank you very much for writing this story and many others that I have had the joy and privilege to read. You are one of my favorite authors here on fanfiction.
Guest chapter 125 . 6/11/2024
Still amazing and can't wait for future updates
Kitty chapter 125 . 6/5/2024
I love all your story, but this one… is simply the best. I wait your next chapitol.
CuriousWalnut chapter 66 . 5/22/2024
i love this fanfic so much.. but why are you making Rick the bad guy?i honestly like him in the series, so I'm still hoping you'll write about rick in a better light in further chapters
StormyBlackmon chapter 57 . 5/18/2024
I have read this book so many times and this chapter always makes me cry lol
Wolvie26 chapter 125 . 5/15/2024
Love it! Can't wait to see what happens next! Hope you update soon!
BiazarKaiser chapter 125 . 4/12/2024
good job and i love the casutalk of just stealing an entire factory, foundations and all just to have it
Tracy Bair chapter 125 . 4/10/2024
Love your work
Guest chapter 125 . 3/29/2024
Amo demais essa história. Fiquei grata pela atualização. Essa é a única história inacabada que faço questão de esperar para ler. Ansiosa pela continuidade. Obrigada!
hannahsanna chapter 116 . 3/23/2024
they know its twins and the genders though? why do the keep acting like they dont?
hourhercrevan chapter 125 . 3/11/2024
I love this story!
it had me reading nonstop! which is something due to getting bored with super long stories I tend not to finish them. Thru no fault of the author in all honesty I would just need to read something different and then I would forget where I was and just leave it.
I'm looking forward to another chapter!
HarGrif chapter 44 . 3/1/2024
I wish you would have stated outright that this was a Fag story. I liked it but now will delete it.
Guest chapter 92 . 2/24/2024
I've just come to realize that magical probably could just duplicate the bullets several times a day just use the duplicates

Infinite bullets if done right and is possible
Guest chapter 125 . 2/15/2024
Really enjoyed this look into their everyday life at PA, without any baddies mucking things up.

It has been hinted in the Daryl Dixon spinoff that scientists in France if not our right caused it, they certainly made it worse. No definite answer to the origin yet.

Thank you for the update.
Qtsarahanne chapter 125 . 2/16/2024
Great new chapter, thank you.
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