Reviews for Extraordinary Times
loganhunter2 chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
Everything you do is good so why not
Raycobrax chapter 3 . 4/13/2016
I must state my love for both Extraordinary Times and Less Than Zero. You are doing great congrats. Also every time I read Bellamy, I think of Bellamy from One Piece:)
realistic chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
I like were you going with this fan fiction and the promise of a powerful protagonist is excited because there's a lot you can do with the powers you chose for Bel
SidJ chapter 2 . 4/12/2016
When I imagine high school in fantasy worlds I always wonder what there version of weed is? My high school was famous for it, from the nerds to the cheerleaders to the theater kids. There wasn't a single clique that didn't smoke. So what would that be like at Hogwarts or Xavier s school? I imagine magical weed and sniffing superpowers to get high. I find it hilarious and of course dangerous. Will your Xavier school have its own versions of high schools dirty secrets? Will it have a special hook up spot? a local drug dealer kid? someone who you can pay to get your homework done? I would love to see these real world elements of high school in the xmen universe!
SidJ chapter 1 . 4/12/2016
Dude! This might be the story I look forward to the most now! The Xmen universe is so big and i have so little knowledge of it that this will be totally new to me and very original like Less than Zero and that's my other favorite! I like the character and love the idea of going to Xavier s institute as a student. This is literally my dreams made into a fanfic. Only the super power is Photosynthesis instead of teleportation/Energy manipulation.
hhrforeverhhr chapter 3 . 4/12/2016
I love it! I can't wait for more!
Pandachop chapter 3 . 4/11/2016
This story seems really cool, looking forward to more!
G90 chapter 1 . 4/11/2016
I hope he doesn't turn out like Max. I like Max but I wouldn't like a 2.0.
coldblue chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
Okay, I think I'm up to date on where we are in "Extraordinary Times".

We are in Universe Earth-616 of X-Men/Marvel.

Donald Pierce:

I did not know who this character was, but I know the Organization he apart of. It rather interesting researching that. Hellfire Club has taken a interest in Bellamy Marcher/Solaris power, so a lot of things could happen. They could brainwash or possible mutate his X-Gene or with Donald Pierce we could read some Cybernetic enhancements for Bellamy/Solaris.

Ruth Aldine/Blindfold, Edward Tancredi/Wing, and Hisako Ichiki/Armor background and being Bellamy Marcher/Solaris teammate:

Wow. Sorry if I did not research these characters before. Pretty dark stuff could happen with Bellamy Marcher/Solaris if he ever see's his Teammates again. Ruth/Blindfold has a tough childhood, a Mutation without being born with Eyes, and psychotic brother name Luca who killed her mother. Eddie/Wing loves his powers more than anything, but I don't know if Eddie will lose his powers with the Cure for X-Gene called the Hope Serum is used for a Weapon or not. Hisako/Armor powers grow stronger with losing her family and that she tries her best given the situation. Bellamy Marcher/Solaris team is going to deal with a lot emotional adventures and test that it going to be interesting to read how Bellamy/Solaris interacts and changes the lives of Blindfold, Wing and Armor.

My thoughts on Bellamy Marcher/Solaris in Earth-616 in Marvel/X-Men Universe:

A lot could happen and I don't know how much apart of X-Men and other events of Marvel that Bellamy will be this Universe. Bellamy part of the X-Men. X-Men deal with Friends of Humanity, Hellfire Club, Genosha/Brotherhood of Mutants, Apocalypse, Avengers, SHIELD and whoever else. Jesus! That a lot to fit in "X-Men" Unvierse. Not counting side stories and adventures characters have such Deadpool, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, or Villains like Norman Osborn. There a lot of X-Men Universe that it sort of is the Marvel Universe. I don't know who Bellamy Marcher/Solaris will interact with this Universe.

Personally, I see Bellamy Marcher/Solaris as this Rogue or Random factor that going to change events in "X-Men"/"Marvel" Earth-616.

Ideas of pairing/romance for Bellamy Marcher/Solaris:

Hard to say. I know, I mention Laura Kinney/X-23/Wolverine II and that could happen with Laura Longevity and Healing Factor. Depending how old Bellamy/Solaris gets. Of course, there also Ruth/Blindfold and Hisako/Armor to consider. Ruth Aldine/Blindfold seems likely to pair Bellamy Marcher/Solaris with, given there interaction. Blindfold and Solaris can develop a deep friendship similar to Ravager/Rose Wilson and Max Gabriel/Null in "Less Than Zero". Hisako/Armor could be a possibility, but she sort of best friends with Edward/Wing . I guess, it depends on what happens to Edward/Wing, it could be possibility that Hisako/Armor feels a sense of lose of her family and friends that Bellamy/Solaris would seem like the constant friend with Ruth/Blindfold. Romance might be complicated, but I could read Hisako/Armor and Bellamy/Solaris develop something as well as possible.

Sorry for reviewing so god damn much. "Extraordinary Times" bugged the crap out me because I did not know much on X-Men besides Movies and Cartoons, but not so much on Comics. Not to mention what Universe Version it was. I had to read and research, even still I have no idea what direction this story going. Just like with "Less Than Zero".

Guess, I wanted to review to show that I gained a understanding of where this story is the plot in X-Men/Marvel Universe and how your Original Character could possible be involved.
Jason123456 chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
Interesting story looking forward to what you have planned for the next couple of chapters.
Nerfhearder69 chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
Been there, done that. Got all the comps when my old business closed down and didn't know what to do with them. They were old and clunky and not worth repurposing. Ended up chucking them, literally. Was soooo satisfying to take out frustrations on them when had to do taxes that year. Probably saved a mint in therapy billing.
Zangetsu Ossan chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
Great shit as always!
dangerverse chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
This story has been fuckin' fantastic so far, can't wait for more. And also can't wait for that asshole Donald Pierce to get his ass handed to him.
Krulla Chief chapter 3 . 4/10/2016
Well, I have no idea who the hell Donald Pierce is, though I do have an inkling. And if you want to read a pretty good Marvel-Verse thingy, check out Homeless Mutant Quest on 4chan's /tg/ and find it on the archive, suptg. Either way, keep up the good work.
AllAmericanNick chapter 3 . 4/9/2016
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