Reviews for Sakura Petals
immortalblossom chapter 21 . 4/15/2020
OMG! YES! Thank you so much for these updates! I appreciate your hard work!
Kyleta chapter 21 . 4/15/2020
I loved this. The fight was absolutely perfect and I loved how you accurately captured Neji's attitude. I always thought that Sakura was more of an underdog than Naruto. Even if he was treated badly in canon, he was still the son of the Hokage, descended from a powerful clan, and had the nine tails. In other words he had alot of things in his favor even if he didn't know it, while Sakura had to obtain all her strength and skills from scratch.
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 20 . 4/15/2020
Yeaaaaaasss thanks for the update and your hard work! And again when you leave for work I hope you’ll be safe and healthy!
ilovetralala chapter 19 . 4/15/2020
Yaaaaas. Sakura dishing out facts!
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 19 . 4/15/2020
Lmao was it Genma gardening
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 19 . 4/15/2020
Awww I’ll miss you and your updates! Be Sade and healthy when you leave!
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 18 . 4/15/2020
Lmao “beside her large melons” dang I can even!
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 16 . 4/15/2020
“Are you sure all uchihas are supposed to be smart?”
“No, this one is different”
That was so funny
Suzululu4moe chapter 19 . 4/14/2020
lol kakashi. well good thing he wears a mask.

too bad she can't pull an angry yachiru without like killing the normal bystanders in the stands near them.
Suzululu4moe chapter 18 . 4/14/2020
good thing they were friendlies. hmm imagine the potential as a sabotoge unit. ie armed to the teeth with bombs and speed dropping them all over an enemy village. kinda like Deidara only faster.
Harbinger of Mayhem chapter 19 . 4/14/2020
Damn girl you really laid into him. Then again he really deserved it. It still boggles my mind that Kakashi was made a sensei when he is such a terrible teacher.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/14/2020
Thank you for updating please update again
Kyleta chapter 19 . 4/14/2020
Two chapters in one day, you're spoiling me. Sakura's rant to Kakashi was perfect and a long time coming. Take care of yourself and stay healthy while you're traveling. Good luck with your work.
v.yeesha chapter 19 . 4/14/2020
Oh my god. 2 update in a row. Thank you. You are amazing. Your story really cheer my day.
Sofiavery chapter 17 . 4/14/2020
You are literally blessing me with these updates!
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