Reviews for Put into Lifetime Detention by Death
madcloisfan chapter 55 . 12/16/2024
Loved it
demonboy121986 chapter 2 . 11/30/2024
Reading Harry layith thy smack down to Ball room blitz, kinda fitting song xD
notevenifyouask chapter 44 . 11/27/2024
Idiocy is self-sustaining, this is my hands down favorite line i have ever read
Freddie Rindklip chapter 7 . 11/14/2024
I am enjoying this fic. Reptilia28 Challenges are one I thought I had read them all. This is one I do not remember. Looking forward to much more.
Deonne chapter 55 . 11/4/2024
I understand that this was completed many years ago, however having just found it I fell in love and devoured it. Taking me over a week to read/listen to it. Thank you for your work, effort, time and patience for such an amazing piece of literature. chapter 19 . 10/19/2024
Okay writer 1st dropped the ball when Harry became head of multiple houses.
Now writer stabbed the ball by having only one wife. Then proceed to burn the ball by the notion of blood adoption.
Eroldin chapter 33 . 9/7/2024
I swear Hermione is a ffin bitch towards Harry. What the hell ?
josamen1 chapter 48 . 9/2/2024 that's a level of boldness I wouldn't've expected from ol' Fudgie
josamen1 chapter 33 . 8/26/2024
The fact that many women get mad at you and won't tell you why they're mad at you is one of the reasons i'm starting to be glad that I'm single and likely perpetually so :-P
josamen1 chapter 27 . 8/24/2024
looks like in Umb*tch's case the obliviation might be considered one of the few acts of mercy she's capable of...if I were used as one of her toys I'd BEG to be obliviated to hell and back *turns green at the mere thought*

and Albie still battling with his dark side
josamen1 chapter 19 . 8/23/2024
The lady doth protest too much LOL!
Margaret Luna Sullivan chapter 50 . 6/23/2024
Oddly satisfying, huh Albus? I trust you realise that, while in school, that stick should have been applied to the SEAT, rather than the FACE, of the problem?
Guest chapter 45 . 6/10/2024
So much for looking into how Bella abruptly changed into the psycho killer she became. Wonder if the author forgot about that being brought up or just decided to abandon that.
Guest chapter 44 . 6/10/2024
Him taking his sweet time to open the damned Grimiore. He apparently could've dealt with him before now and avoided any deaths if he'd just look for that damn spell from the sound of it. Yet all those graves have been defiled and I'm guessing a bunch are going to die. Yet he still hasn't touched the fucking book.

Why does Luna barely exist and where is Hedwig?
Guest chapter 43 . 6/10/2024
Very well done chapter.
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