Reviews for The Futile Facade
Keek23 chapter 7 . 1/24/2022
You are so talented. Thank you for bring Harry to life! I am rereading from the beginning- it is every it as good the second time!

Rita chapter 15 . 1/9/2022
Definitely my favorite story so far :)
ShineX chapter 1 . 1/7/2022
Oh good, I was rather saddened when things were left the way they were with her magic beforehand. I'm definitely happy with that last bit, and yes I'm being vague on purpose.
Kandy Korn chapter 14 . 12/28/2021
The central issue here is that these are really shitty kids.
n.r.y joker chapter 7 . 12/6/2021
Amazing series,
I am going to read the next chapter now but just a thought, the vow doesn't say anything about pure-blood so if archie would have just got in and then switched with Harry... well not only helf-blood would have won but riddle would still be hold accountable regarding his vow
Could have been awesome
naturefire chapter 14 . 10/20/2021
nerdalertwarning chapter 4 . 10/20/2021
I LOVE how you write their interactions. It’s so perfect. Harry and James are my favorite. Daddy’s little girl is the perfect manipulation I love this story
Reina36 chapter 14 . 10/10/2021
I'm crying. I just reread the whole series over the weekend and I have so many FEELINGS.

Violet is such an amazing author I discover new subtleties every time I read her words.
Richard Lovelace chapter 15 . 10/8/2021
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Thank you.
Guest chapter 15 . 10/2/2021
Guest chapter 3 . 9/28/2021
Brilliant chapter. I wish they could all be in the lower alleys, and it was lovely to see Hermione too. :)
TheProcastinatingPerfectionist chapter 7 . 9/27/2021
I hate the way riddle abuses Rigel. He’s underaged how dare he blackmail him into doing the tournament! And the second he stands up for himself:”watch your cheek boi” what the actual fuck! And snape is no better. He is not defending the boi he is doing the BARE MINIMUM! And somehow he is seen as a hero.- sorry I kinda ranted here.
TheBeauty chapter 15 . 9/18/2021
How I didn't know it was updated? I really love this story so much :)
Gelennil chapter 6 . 9/14/2021
You type Dumbledore's coefficient as .97 and Rigel's as 1.3 but make it sound as if Dumbledore's is greater than Rigel's. Is there a typo with Dumbledore's? Is sounds as if you mean his coefficient to be 1.97.
Mystearical chapter 14 . 9/11/2021
Information provided by interrogating a minor without counsel or a guardian present ALSO cannot be used. I don't know why a member of law enforcement would think that clever punctuation management would just allow them to bypass legal protections afforded to the underage? They can't just avoid ending sentences with question marks and then continue on as if the interrogation suddenly isn't illegal anymore, that's nonsense. He's a minor and has no counsel or guardian in the room; literally nothing he says can be used, it's all fruit of a poisoned tree.
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