Reviews for News Feed
Cooldude101011 chapter 18 . 12/6/2024
Maybe England was just trying to stop him from making the same kind of mistake he did. Getting into a relationship with someone with a much shorter lifespan and then promptly having to deal with the grief of their death. He didn’t want his “son” to go through that.
Cooldude101011 chapter 26 . 9/10/2023
Yeah. I think Alfred really needs a shrink or just someone he trusts who he can talk to.
Cooldude101011 chapter 24 . 9/10/2023
I do agree that modern radical feminism is idiotic. It’s ironically sexist that they’re telling women that to be empowered they have to reject their femininity and be really masculine.

When a more healthy balance between femininity and masculinity is needed. More masculine women (tomboys) do exist but they still keep in touch with their femininity and do have some feminine interests or likes (such as enjoying sports while also enjoying makeup or usually wearing masculine ish clothes but likes to dress more femininely sometimes). Same with femboys (male counterpart to tomboys?).

Also another thing is that the fact that women’s suffrage and rights got so little pushback during the 50s, 60s, etc means that the majority of men likely agreed with equal rights between men and women. After all, men did control all the major levers and powers in society and culture.

I do disagree that the sexual revolution is the only reason why women are so unhappy nowadays. It’s also because the social systems we’ve had for hundreds or thousands of years are falling apart.
Guest chapter 27 . 8/10/2023
thank god this fic isn’t updating anymore so we dont have to hear ur shitty opinions about how “women should thank men for denying our rights and giving them back pretending to be saviors” or ur antisemitism disguised under “george soros bad guy fund libbies :(“
JesterHattie chapter 27 . 12/13/2021
Okay, I've been reading the reviews on this story for about an hour now (I have also read this entire fic cover to cover), and I have some... thoughts.

First and foremost, SiZodiac is absolutely right. The Nations aren't politicians with convenient superpowers. They are the personification of their country, and as such, should represent all of the ideologies in said country (so, for an example: the US with capitalism and consumerism, and France with collectivism). In the Hetalia Universe, the Nations are only supposed to be what their country is (stereotypes and all), and that's it. They aren't sleazy politicians with their own ideals and ambitions in mind.

Second, the Guest reviewer that reviewed on Chapter 19, June 5th, 2017, was also right. Fanfiction is a hobby, and something fun. NOT someplace where you can just dump all your thoughts on the current political issues (I know you say that this fic is political in the first chapter, but that still is not an excuse to get really deep into politics). Most people come to for something fun and enjoyable. They don't come for right-wing political issues. Seriously, if you want somewhere to rant about politics, go on Reddit.

Third, your ideals on Islam itself being the problem ring surprisingly true for me. It's the exact same thing for Christians. The Bible literally has God punishing sinners with horrible stuff (and being clearly abusive towards his followers), and Christians just kinda... accept that? I'm not going to pretend that I know anything about Islam or Christianity (as I have been agnostic my whole life), but I did read the Bible and the Qur'an (just because I wanted to see what they actually talked about). A lot of the stuff in those two books is blatantly homophobic, sexist, and just a lot of the other phobics and ists.

Fourth, your thoughts on Feminism are off. Here's the thing: Most feminists aren't that well reported in the media because most feminists don't do crazy stuff. The ones that are reported in the media are misandrists masquerading as feminists. In my opinion, misandrists are just as bad as misogynists.

Feel free to PM me if you want to chat!
Guest chapter 22 . 7/14/2021
CaptainShort19 chapter 21 . 2/4/2021
Nomnom chapter 13 . 4/25/2020
Okay look ik this is a fanfiction but srly, knock it off with the Muslimsterrorism okay? Almost 90% of all terrorism victims are Muslims, we hate that as much as you. But spreading the idea that Islam is the problem rather than the people, the idea that our religious practices define us, is what leads to people mistrusting each other

Author's Response: I'd have been a lot more charitable while writing this story if everyone involved wasn't making such an effort to protect the 'integrity of Islam' by hiding, censoring, and lying about Islam while actively persecuting its most vocal critics.
I've studied Islam, it not only condones and accepts acts of violence against non-believers, it downright demands it. The problem IS with the religion and how it's structured and what it values. The terrorists aren't pulling reasons for violence out of their asses. The fact that so many Muslims fall victim to this is easily justified in their heads because these 'Muslims' aren't real Muslims to terrorists.
Terroristic intimidation through these attacks is literally Islam's MO, it's been practiced for centuries. Nothing's changed. It may not DEFINE people, but it sure influences them into action, as it influences societies guided by it. It's an entire culture. It's a way of life.

The more people try to cover and hide this and the more people try to paint it as a 'religion of peace' while dismissing or lying about what's actually written in the Quran and why it matters, the angrier everyone will get with it, because it is demonstrable that this is not the case. It's written in the Quran and the other two main books that guide the religion. Violence against non-believers is MANDATORY in Islam. It's just a matter of defining 'non-believer'. That could be just atheists, it could be LGBT people, it could be everyone of any other religion beyond Islam, and it could be any self-defining Muslim who doesn't practice Islam hard enough. A political Islamist group sees conquest and empire-building as a holy task, and any Muslims who don't help, who stand by or against them, are seen as a 'non-believers'. And even if terrotists kill innocent Muslims, in their heads, they say they just went to heave and are thankful to the terrorists. That's how they see it. Thus, the casualty rates in Muslim-majority areas. Islam hurts Muslims the most. These terrorists don't exist in a vacuum, they don't appear for no reason. Humans are guided by IDEAS. Islam, at its core, like any religion, is an IDEA.

And since it's denied so arduously in the media and everyone, since that's such a common lie to come across out there, in this fic, I wanted to actually do something different. The coverage of Islam as a religion across platforms is 90% positive or neutral. Why is one single fic focusing on its flaws and consequences such a terrible thing? Why is it so terrible that I criticize it so harshly? Answer: it's not. I can put Islam in a bad light and there's nothing wrong with that. Christians have been dealing with such treatment for decades now, so suck it up.
Are you there chapter 27 . 4/16/2020
I was wondering if you moved this story to a different medium ?
or just stopped writing completely.
Keep Safe Author.
Kitiarachiyo chapter 14 . 2/13/2020
I know this ain't the best chapter to post this review, but, I love the headcannon that when the nations are angry things start to break. IDK why but I've always imagined that in my head and I love it!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee chapter 12 . 1/26/2020
Good story AND when it talks about politics it doesn't have a super left-wing religion/Trump hating bias 10/10 like that.
Guest chapter 27 . 11/3/2019
Are you still working on this story?

Author's Response: Eh, I'm thinking about rewriting, maybe. But don't hold your breath.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/4/2019
*Eats a dead rat and ascends to heaven*

Author's Response: media . giphy dot com / media / VDAAZgS3QyUAo / giphy . gif
Guest chapter 1 . 8/4/2019

Author's Response: Another 16 from a very bored kid, all equally uncreative and randomly nonsensical. I wonder what responsibilities he's avoiding... I honestly wish him the best of luck with whatever he's struggling with in his life. :)
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2019
Libtard cunt

Author's Response: I'm actually a Conservative, but whatevs. :3
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