Reviews for The Red Dragon
Mysteryfan17 chapter 93 . 10/15/2020
Hope you get well soon, RL has prevented me from updating too so I can understand that. *hug*
Mysteryfan17 chapter 63 . 10/14/2020
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, wonder how long it's been since Percy needed that much advice on something.
Mysteryfan17 chapter 51 . 10/14/2020
Hmmm, Harry has told them all, for years he hates rats and mice, now Hermione is getting one? That's gonna be interesting. Does Harry pretend to get over the fear so she doesn't need to keep her in a pocket or in her room? And, with Peter Kissed, he didn't get to Voldie, no Bertha with the info about Barty Jr OR the Triwizard Tournament so no freeing Jr and replacing Moody... will Harry still need the Gillyweed?
Mysteryfan17 chapter 32 . 10/13/2020
OH HERMIONE! Breaking the ruuuuules, just cause she's in a wizard house, and the Trace can't tell it's underage magic, she sneaks doing magic. HAHAHAHAHA!
Mysteryfan17 chapter 25 . 10/13/2020
I like the idea of a charm potion, looks and a book would only take you so far but to have the amount of infatuation, yeah, he bragged his Memory Charm ability but the Charm idea is unique and I love it, especially as I bet it's highly illegal, or at least as bad as love potions. Take a bow, I've never seen/read this idea before.
opticfriend chapter 1 . 10/12/2020
Great story I hope you come back and continue writing
Kskzmska chapter 93 . 10/11/2020
I love your history, i readet in one day jsjsj, i hope that your be beater eventualy and this wonderfull history continue
KalShadal chapter 93 . 9/30/2020
sweetheart just focus on you.
Ilva chapter 93 . 9/13/2020
I don’t know if you’re gonna read this since your last update was in 2018. But I need your to know that your health always comes first. And if you say you need this break (however long it’s going to be) or that you are never going to finish the story, that’s completely okay! So don’t let other people pressure you into feeling bad about yourself for not continuing when you’re taking care of yourself. I hope you do get better soon I believe you can win this battle against your inner demons!
Good luck and the best wishes,
FinnTheHumanMC chapter 43 . 9/6/2020
Heeeyyyyyy it's the meaning of life
2p33dy chapter 93 . 9/2/2020
I hope that your feeling better! This is an amazing story which I have read multiple times and feel like it takes great skill to do so!
Guest chapter 93 . 8/8/2020
Amazing story but you’re better Beta needs to be better The purpose of a beta is to sort out any spelling and grammatical errors which yours evidently hasn’t done throughout this entire story. Miss spell simple words such as brace and Zabini, as well as some other words that are clearly spelt out for you in the books. Please read through this amazing story and make the necessary adjustments. Other than the spelling and grammatical errors this story is amazing!
Guest chapter 35 . 8/7/2020
Okay I can’t hold my tongue anymore you’re making stupid spelling steaks like Zabine and. Basklist. It’s Zabini and basilisk. Thank you need a beta
Griezz chapter 69 . 8/6/2020
You bastard! The reunion you wrote for HarryDudley actually had me tearing up! There was opportunity for closure and forgiveness, and the chance was not squandered. Now I know for sure how invested I've become in this story! Keep up the great work!
koatten21 chapter 93 . 7/29/2020
I know I’m just some stranger that doesn’t know anything about what your going through. But I’m giving you a virtual hug right now. It’s been awhile since you last updated and it might stay like that. I just wanted to let you know that you have an army of readers behind you.
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