Reviews for The Red Dragon
Shinobi Gatana chapter 86 . 12/24/2023
Shinobi Gatana chapter 70 . 12/23/2023
longer arms for the win
Shinobi Gatana chapter 39 . 12/23/2023
Well done on the Sirius reveal.
Shinobi Gatana chapter 37 . 12/23/2023
Harry is manipulative little prick... it's kind of funny to watch.
Shinobi Gatana chapter 36 . 12/23/2023
This Moony intro is phenomenally put together.
Sage Mode Sasuke chapter 16 . 12/22/2023
This chapter was pretty awesome.
Sage Mode Sasuke chapter 5 . 12/22/2023
A decidedly good start.
ExhaustedFFReader chapter 93 . 12/4/2023
Take your time. There is no right way to deal with depression. Thank you for the amazing story you've provided this far. If you are ever ready to return to it, we will be thrilled to see where you take the take you've woven
s.roest02 chapter 65 . 11/25/2023
... Zana ate Skeeter
CSgtKA chapter 93 . 10/30/2023
Love this and hope you are feeling better! If you are able to, please continue this! This is one of the best time-travel harry fics I've read and I love that you've paired him with luna, that you made draco a gryph, the junior phoenix club, that harry's patronus is now a phoenix, that you've had them all become animagi, and that you made harry's relationship with snape so much better!
Hippothestrowl chapter 2 . 10/5/2023
Hooray - no zoo scene! But why tell Figgy everything? She'll report straight to Dumbledore.

- Hip
evattude chapter 11 . 10/5/2023
I am loving this
Hpfanficreader chapter 93 . 10/2/2023
Over all I like the story and I hope you continue it it would be great to see a final battle of Harry and his army v tom
hunzbookwyrm chapter 93 . 9/25/2023
Love The story so far hope you and your friend are better now hope to see you more the story eventually it really is good
hunzbookwyrm chapter 51 . 9/25/2023
I believe you meant tons not tones
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