Reviews for Monochrome Duet
Kairan1979 chapter 41 . 5/7
Thanks for the chapter.
Looking forward to see what happens in the real world.
Ezael chapter 41 . 5/6
Pog one of the few fics I am genuinely invested in. Now can we get an epilogue or two chapters? I wanna see kizmel interact with Kirito's family and how they actually went about getting her into... Well... Reality. I beg of ye
Mernom chapter 41 . 5/6
not viable in this particular setup, but the way you had all the clearers join one guild for the final battle gave me an idea. Basically this, except Kirito never left his Black Cat guild tags behind.
SolanaLeonhart chapter 41 . 5/6
That was so freaking cool! One of the best fighting scenes I've read in a while. I really thought Kizmel was gone and then, that...what exactly was that crystal? Now I'm really wondering if they can go back, awesome job.
Grimmideals chapter 41 . 5/6
... That was an amazing finale to the first Arc of SAO. If this continues beyond clearing the Castle I won't be surprised.
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 41 . 5/6
Man. Man oh freaking man. What a wild end to the first death game.
orion0905 chapter 41 . 5/6
Great final fight, I would have loved to play against the dragon. It reminds me of the gear fight in Twilight princess.
UCCMaster chapter 41 . 5/6
Chills. Literal chills
Taylor and Laura chapter 41 . 5/6
That was 3 of the top ten most epic fight scenes we’ve ever read. You actually had us going there with the inferno crystal, so congrats for that, its not very often we are surprised while reading anymore. Fantastic job.
MotherDema chapter 40 . 5/2
man im boutta burst into tears knowing its been 8 years
codywhite162 chapter 40 . 4/23
Loved the chapter :) Looking forward to the next update.
TraveleroftheStarStream chapter 40 . 4/21
Not bad. I don't know if you know authors, but your worldbuilding reminds me of Brandon Sanderson. Or at least, his style. Now I realize you're taking a plot that's already been created, but you're adding depth that a lot of stories here just don't quite reach. Looking forward to the final battle scene. Excellent job at writing this.
Hali-zero chapter 40 . 4/20
Can’t wait! Great job!
Kairan1979 chapter 40 . 4/17
Looking forward to see more.
WwEpsilonwW chapter 40 . 4/13
Awesome chapter. I'm so hyped for the final battle! This story, which can take on the official likes of progressive and the light novels any day, has come so far. Excellent job creating this masterpiece.
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