Reviews for The House of Potter Rebuilt
gemini shawty chapter 1 . 12/12/2022
this is different
Guest chapter 1 . 12/10/2022
kase519 chapter 8 . 11/22/2022
Great ending
kase519 chapter 7 . 11/22/2022
The world you have built here really is intriguing and complex. The hope you have managed to portray without making Harry having to be the one to do it, just kind of nudged things, has added a sweet and wonderful feeling to the entire work.
kase519 chapter 6 . 11/22/2022
Another really amazing Chapter
kase519 chapter 5 . 11/20/2022
kase519 chapter 4 . 11/20/2022
I really love your details and characterizations
kase519 chapter 3 . 11/20/2022
Thank you for sharing your art
kase519 chapter 2 . 11/17/2022
I love the intricacies of this fic
kase519 chapter 1 . 11/17/2022
Really interesting
TiffersStar1989 chapter 8 . 10/24/2022
loved the story! great job!
Astramilitarum01 chapter 8 . 10/16/2022
Not bad but a bit boring to be honest.

The idea of a more studious Harry and the book was really nice, i had just hoped that you would focus more on that part but somewhere alone the lines in just got a bit boring and confusing with the new plot.
Overall no character had any real presence in the story or more than one dimension of depth.
Still an ok read
Guest chapter 8 . 10/10/2022
3rd read through if that tells you anything. Great job.
afdhalulakbar2003 chapter 1 . 10/8/2022
Looks pretty interesting
Guest chapter 8 . 9/25/2022
this was so amazing!
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