Reviews for The Unwoven Threads of Fate
That1annoyingguy chapter 74 . 7/17/2024
You put the wrong link. Heres the right onehttpswww. deviantart ur welcome
stevesgaming87 chapter 75 . 7/1/2024
sucks that you wrote yourself into a corner and dropped this :/
MoinLeute chapter 2 . 6/19/2024
wtf is that for a name dodnt fit at all into the world...
kratos264 chapter 32 . 6/7/2024
Yikes im out the moment hes okay with murdering children for a guy who defected is the moment i say fuck this guy i hope he dies
CygnusFang chapter 73 . 6/2/2024
(Meant for chapter 75, but reached review limit) I remember when this chapter first released. God, it had me at the edge of my seat... now I've been sitting there for years. I hope you're okay, author-kun.
Guest chapter 40 . 5/27/2024
I apologize; I take back everything I ever said about you!
Guest chapter 34 . 5/27/2024
Ah cmon no, not Tayuya for the pairing! Please, god, nooo! And fic was going so well too, damn.
Novat1ve chapter 61 . 5/21/2024
broooooo nooooooooooooo. why Ino of all people
Novat1ve chapter 38 . 5/20/2024
Novat1ve chapter 29 . 5/20/2024
NOT GINA! *crying*
Lazy king123 chapter 63 . 5/2/2024
Seriously this story is just way too judgmental it is getting tiresome in a more realistic world which this is trying to paint the konoha is not heroes they run assasination businesshell even here kakashi admits to mass murdering shinobi… and honestky it is not like the grass is true allies of konoha … they tried to kidnap hyuga heiress … and turn her into baby factory.
But yes because they are konoha allies anyone who attacks them is immediately evil … i am out of here

This is a decent fiction if
- at the start you forget that the mc is supposed to have detailed information about future (and instead think that he died young like early teens and had bare minimum knowledge about narutoakatsuki exist, orochimara invasionorochimara big bad and impending future zombie army…
Then after chapter 50 cca it starts to really come downhill tsunade becomes absolutely unlikeae and mc doesn’t even try to justify himself even when there are many valid reasons he could say …hey orichamaru dead bad since you cant wnsure he is dead, cant kill kabuto who is big issue, no longwr do you have another opponent to akutsuki and lets face it they are far bigger threat

So mc is setting himself as martyr and doing his pity party instead of explaining himself and it is getting tiresome and forced …
Lazy king123 chapter 57 . 5/1/2024
Hah this is getting way too judgmental… after all it is not like konoga are the ultimate good guys at least at this point in time they have quite a few skeletons in tgeur closet… in one word danzo, uchias, naruto treatment …
Lazy king123 chapter 39 . 4/30/2024
Wow orochimaru really treats Al well … sometimes
Lazy king123 chapter 34 . 4/29/2024
Well this was cute sasuke acting like an elder brother
Lazy king123 chapter 19 . 4/28/2024
Nah what would nake them happier is if you dont continue on path of killing but reagardless they are dead so live on the way you like
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