Reviews for Lone Traveler: The Greatest Minister in History
CuredElfFish chapter 17 . 10/17
Brilliant satisfying tale. Well paced, funny, touching, creative. I especially enjoyed the Dursleys, the Malfoys, and the greatest MoM of all. Thank you.
CuredElfFish chapter 14 . 10/17
What you have characterized as Indifference, I (and much family law) would call Neglect. It's quite harmful to psychologicall, sccial & physical development, and difficult to treat or resolve. It can have horrible life long effect, & cause multi-generational suffering & harm.
However - I enjoyed your Dursleys & others Evans writing. I love the obliteration of Umbridge, and her backstory. You made Vernon Petunia & even Marge more complex & dimensioned characters than canon or any other fanfiction I have read. Brilliant.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/16
Guest chapter 1 . 9/16
Schazmen chapter 17 . 9/5
Well, this was... absolutely freaking amazing. Good job!
Guest chapter 2 . 9/3
I remember reading and liking this story years ago, now all I see is tired clichés and bashing. It's funny how tastes change as you get older.
maiqsmail chapter 13 . 8/8
And the weirdness continues. But I must admit, making Vernon and Umbitch related by blood is hilarious.
maiqsmail chapter 11 . 8/8
That was... completely out of the blue. Muggle sect that worship Magic came and did an "aura and future" reading to them? Just like that? That's so completely random.
maiqsmail chapter 3 . 8/8
I like how very sensible it is, but unfortunately, and obviously for anyone who dealt with running any organisation, people are not that sane and docile to just roll with good things. If it was a realistic story and not just "an exercise in rationality", there would be some antisocial nay-sayers, radical terrorists, false "supporters"-backstabbers and so on. Ah, the society.
maiqsmail chapter 1 . 8/8
Offscreen: Fudge got a working brain implant.
guest chapter 17 . 6/29
Have reread this with pleasure. Thanks again.
suziq968 chapter 17 . 5/17
This was a fun read. I thought the approach was unique. Thank you
Ivarr chapter 16 . 5/9
Oh, well done! Very well done indeed. This was a delight to read and brought many a smile to my face.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/29
What an awesome story. I have read a few now, and apologize for saying it was based on the Traveler from Star Trek. That is the only reference I had of a character popping in and out when needed to assist with things.
And, people will always, ALWAYS, find something to disagree with within authors’ words.
Ignore them. Or thank them for their words….then just keep on doing what you’re doing. :)
Guest chapter 13 . 4/29
lol, definitely one of my favourite chapters! And I LOVE the Omake
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