Reviews for Lone Traveler: The Greatest Minister in History
musme chapter 2 . 5/14/2016
I love it !
Dr Stranger chapter 2 . 5/14/2016
I glad you've decided (apparently) to extend this story farther. It looks quite interesting thus far.
TobyDR chapter 2 . 5/14/2016
Nice unique view on a competent Fudge
Thanks for sharing.
musme chapter 1 . 5/14/2016
I had already written it but, I love it !
Very much
AndDeathShallHaveNoDominion chapter 2 . 5/14/2016
I like the idea of Augusta longbottom and cornelius working together.
AndDeathShallHaveNoDominion chapter 1 . 5/14/2016
I love this story. I really like seeing the point of view of the minister and the what if of if he had better guidance than in cannon.
Beloved Daughter chapter 2 . 5/14/2016
Fascinating story. Love the bit about how gardening is good for magic and was purifying Neville's exposure to the dark. That makes quite a bit of sense.
Penny is wise chapter 2 . 5/14/2016
Awesome chapter. Should make a prisoners of Azkaban farm for their own food.
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