Reviews for Apparently Videogames Really Are Bad For Your Brain
Jirsaacek chapter 34 . 11/24
damn shame this isn't getting updates anymore, 100% my favorite SAO fiction
Cele13hrt chapter 34 . 10/1
I love the multiple angles of the real world so much here. The PR team having to deal with a borderline sociopath is honestly my favorite part, and our Evil Overlord is so close behind, especially that scene with the chocolate bars. I'm curious if you have any plans to dabble more with the SAO Abridged stuff, which is honestly my main exposure to this whole anime. Also, will Heathcliff need to create the Blood Knights? It doesn't seem like it, but I would be very curious to see how all that drama goes down. Finally, I doubt you've forgotten it, but what special skill has Kirito been given by Kaguya? And is she aware of it?
funges chapter 21 . 4/16
ship all 3 of them
AnC1999 chapter 33 . 3/23
Lo wyatt chapter 1 . 2/29
Wait question cant you just use an EMP to to stop the signals and take off the helmet
gremlin914 chapter 34 . 2/16
So good and very sweet. Tyfc, I look forward to seeing what you create next.
Lo wyatt chapter 26 . 2/14
Diavel won both bets will he win the next who knows
Lo wyatt chapter 34 . 2/11
I need more of this story it is way to funny
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 7 . 1/20
God he an idiot, Sugou won't be able to pull the same shit he did in canon here. Keiko and soon Asuna are simply to high profile to the world after all this that if he kept them in the game like he does Asuna in canon the whole world would be asking questions and demanding answers.

Basically, his company as the one to hold the servers would have teams of people investigating them and going though the servers. He would be totally fucked.

So, i expect that when they clear it Keiko and Asuna will be waking up with everyone else, assuming he isn't a complete moron and has at least one working brain cell.
PandoraOfVanity chapter 3 . 11/29/2023
I immediately saw it coming lmao
Jolly giant 100 chapter 34 . 11/27/2023
Great work so far can't wait to see more!
Rocket Fallout chapter 34 . 11/27/2023
This is a pretty hilarious Story please continue!
OtroRandomDeInternet chapter 34 . 11/17/2023
Please, please, continue this, this fanfic is awesome i cant stop laughing at the antics of Keiko, i want to read more, and most of all see the reaction of them, that Kirito and Silica have the same name, i dont know if you use that name for her for that reason
LunarLucy chapter 34 . 11/9/2023
you should update this is really good
TheGrimDragon chapter 34 . 8/10/2023
Can you please continue this story! It has been enjoyable to read and I want more.
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