Reviews for When Fate Intervened
Guest chapter 18 . 8/18
That's probably the most selfish and stupid thing I've ever seen Amelia Bones doing in any fic I've read.

Next she's going to sell her seat on the Wizengamot and leave literally nothing for poor Susan and the entire of next generations. She doomed and disrespected her entire family tree in the past and in the future to play Batman.
lol, lmao even
kase519 chapter 1 . 8/19
Interesting star
Guest chapter 13 . 7/30
This start bad simple because is a copy of other story that laso is bad, from there up To hete get worst and worst. If read reviews beforehand do not read this crapshoot
Linda chapter 36 . 7/2
Very good story
LLEWORCJ chapter 36 . 7/3
this was quite brilliantly written ️
Cwhit930 chapter 36 . 6/18
Reread for the second time. Still a great story thanks for the share.
szw5009 chapter 36 . 6/14
Great read. Thanks!
Guest chapter 22 . 6/12
Ok. I remember this story. It was alright, I guess. All the weird deaths didn't bug me, even if some of them were a bit "wtf? why would you do that?" but I enjoyed how added that war element to the conflict (gritty realism for an M rated fic isn't a bad thing). No, it was the fact that you had riddle summon a fucking DEMON at the end of the story, and it was right AFTER the big battle between harry & riddle had happened at the school. That's one of the most useless, pointless elements added to this story, especially since there was no real preamble or anything about it being foreshadowed, other than that minuscule scene after the attack in the village. Not to mention... and I'm sorry...but what is it with you harmony loving, dumbledore bashing writers that y'all can't ever really write a satisfying comeuppance for him, even though he's the primary plot device used that gives harry his edge lord persona? There might be a handful of stories, with some form of harmony in it, that dumbledore actually meets some sort of ending and resolution that feels like it has real payoff. Just a nitpick but I've noticed that pattern.

Anyway, I'm sure some people will really enjoy this story, but that ridiculous demon (or daemon OR deamon) being the final, FINAL villain was very...well, it was retarded. It enhanced nothing and just felt like a dick waving moment, even though the climax had already happened.
Guest chapter 18 . 6/12
Can we get some sort of action involving harry at some point? The tags said this is an adventure story, along witg the romance stuff...and it's rated M. Just wondering.
Abbie chapter 36 . 6/11
It was an interest story. The ending however seemed rushed.
zobemaru2012 chapter 36 . 6/3
Главное достоинство фанфика - это его продолжительность. Пару интересных идей автор просто загубил. Дочитал просто из жалости к потраченному ранее времени
Guest chapter 36 . 5/15
good story
HetaPhiPuffPrincess chapter 25 . 4/11
I feel like Killing that particular weasley was an unnecessary evil. Like it was lazy writing of you if im
Honest .
Freddie Rindklip chapter 26 . 4/6
Chapter 26. MTG so I get the bonus points. Enjoying the fic.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 1 . 4/6
So far, I am enjoying this re-read.
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