Reviews for Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue
Beth1112 chapter 6 . 2/14
I enjoyed your story.
terrahsims chapter 6 . 1/13
Good old Kate Stewart! Showing Unit's best.
demonboy121986 chapter 1 . 12/5/2024
This is... id say stupid but that be an insult to stupid, well written but gets very stupid to protect 3 shit stains who should be killed. definitely killed the story for me.
Clark959 chapter 6 . 7/22/2024
Nicely done.
Flying Chrissy chapter 6 . 3/31/2024
cool story! :)
mamacasper06 chapter 6 . 2/16/2024
Needs an epilogue!
Sage Mode Sasuke chapter 6 . 2/2/2024
Awesome. Can we have an epilogue please?
Voxxie chapter 1 . 1/30/2024
Somebody sure likes MC Hermione. Loved the story otherwise.
Ghostwriter chapter 6 . 1/27/2024
I like it. Well done.
not a fan chapter 1 . 1/24/2024
I like the story and it's the second or third time I've read it, what I don't like too much is that you make gringots seem like it's only in the UK and not in most of the world

There is also the fact that I don't remember if the Dursleys got away with little conviction for everything they have done (theft, physical and mental abuse, forced labor, destruction of property, defamation... and I'm sure they left something behind).
ShadowCub chapter 4 . 1/22/2024
ShadowCub chapter 2 . 1/22/2024
Dear Harry betrayed you? WTF do you think you are.
Hermione should really be in jail for all the stuff she did, lol.
ShadowCub chapter 1 . 1/22/2024
Oh Harry, just how stupid are you in not trying to find out about your legal situation instead of just believing whatever you hear?

Nice to see the mundane not treated like clueless monkeys.
Books85 chapter 6 . 12/21/2023
Wow! What a thrill ride. This was remarkably like a movie. I am reminded that the Romans term decimated means one casualty in every 10. It sounds "not so bad" but when you realize most of the losses are in critical points, it makes sense.

Thank you.
AvideReader99220 chapter 2 . 11/1/2023
wow, i never actually read the books but this seems fucked up. I'm also really surprised Hermione, a social justice warrior, didn't put up much of a fuss about the morality of basically mind raping a teenage girl.
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