Reviews for Accidental Proposal
WiCkEdAvEnGeD chapter 11 . 8/30/2020
“That witch robbed Gringotts!”

Lmao I’m dying!
meghanmcgreal chapter 17 . 8/20/2020
I know this is years after the fact but thank you for the A/N about 9/11. My father was an NYPD first responder who passed away a few years ago from cancer related to being at the WTC on 9/11, and even seeing your dedication almost 4 years after the fact means the world to someone like me. Thank you for remembering, and thank you for writing such a great story.
TheWiseNut chapter 36 . 7/31/2020
This is one of the best fics I have read... God Bless
MissMegan24 chapter 36 . 7/20/2020
Thanks for sharing this story!
HeatherQuynn chapter 36 . 7/4/2020
I absolutely loved it
Guest chapter 36 . 6/12/2020
skyeryder01 chapter 36 . 6/4/2020
I think this is my third read through of this and I still absolutely love it!
buriedromance chapter 36 . 5/23/2020
Thank you for this story! :) still reading it now 2 years later from when I first read it
WandsandWhiskey chapter 36 . 5/15/2020
What an absolute joy of a story! Thank you for all your hard work!
WandsandWhiskey chapter 32 . 5/15/2020
Seriously, that wedding scene was the best I’ve ever read in any fictional work, ever. Awesome job, had me smiling all the way through.
WandsandWhiskey chapter 27 . 5/15/2020
Plot twisty goodness!
WandsandWhiskey chapter 19 . 5/15/2020
Ooooh. Hermione’s about to climb up on that soapbox...goddess help them not to say anything stupid to her
WandsandWhiskey chapter 8 . 5/15/2020
Go Minerva!
WandsandWhiskey chapter 3 . 5/15/2020
*facepalm* Draco...
Anika Cobriana chapter 36 . 5/9/2020
Loves the story, binged it the last two days!
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