Reviews for Accidental Proposal
Guest chapter 36 . 7/30/2023
Wonderful! Thank you!
DEEG1291 chapter 36 . 6/17/2023
Wow! What a fabulous story! I have really enjoyed reading this fic over the last few days. Thanks so much for sharing your gift with us.
ammadom01 chapter 23 . 6/3/2023
Should be or not are
Chalice13 chapter 9 . 5/27/2023
Brilliant! I just hope they didn't out all of Hermione's secrets. A girl needs some mystery.
Chalice13 chapter 2 . 5/27/2023
Actually, you missed a key point. The Grangers probably made the will out while Hermione was still a minor and would require a guardian, as Dumbledore would have approached them while Hermione was away at school.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/9/2023
Seems wrong Bob wouldn’t have remembered her birthday. Loving everything though
mjato chapter 36 . 3/7/2023
A nice and easy to read story. It's not particularly deep or analytical, or features any significant lasting conflict, which makes it so the more cheerful and light.

I had a bit of a hard time really getting into the story in the beginning as Hermione's characterisation felt off and somewhat inconsistent, but after a few chapters it was easy enough to accept this somewhat different personality. I imagined that Hermione went through some events off the pages (before the fic events) that caused these shifts, and, of course, going through a war changes a person. So all in all that worked fine enough. Although for anyone looking for a more canon-true Hermione and careful character development this story is not likely to be satisfying.

The overall premise was fun and it was enjoyable reading about all the shenanigans the characters got up to, especially the slytherins. While most characters were not especially complex, they were still fun and engaging. I did miss some of the primary and secondary canon characters that were not featured (or barely featured), but it made sense within this story. Luckily we got a lot of bright and fun Ginny, and Pansy was a hoot.


A few little plot holes were of no real consequence. And the epilogue did a nice job wrapping things up far enough to make it satisfying. I do wish we got to learn a lot more about the couple's soul bond and got to see Theo in the last couple of chapters. Not seeing him become an uncle was a bit sad. However the ending still felt suitable and satisfying.

Thank you, Cjean, for sharing your work, and to all your betas that helped make this fic a reality.
Guest chapter 36 . 3/2/2023
Brilliant story!
I enjoyed it very much and can't wait to go on another one of yours.
Thank you
D x
gothamloves chapter 13 . 2/6/2023
gothamloves chapter 5 . 2/5/2023
I’m loving this
gothamloves chapter 4 . 2/5/2023
Very intrigued
gothamloves chapter 3 . 2/5/2023
Lol omg Draco
gothamloves chapter 1 . 2/5/2023
I’m hooked
SuperSlyly chapter 22 . 1/30/2023
condomsand no problem
Ayr chapter 36 . 1/11/2023
Great story, just read it yesterday and today, hope your keeping well
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