Reviews for The One With The Eighties
isloveenough chapter 4 . 8/27/2003
Ok, Ok, I know this is old (i think...) but I HAD to read it...and now i REALLy want to know how it ends? will you finish it? Ah!
annonymouse chapter 4 . 8/23/2003
More please?

I really like this!
Vixie Bing chapter 4 . 8/11/2003
Wow! this is a really really good story! thank God for that picture as well, i could never imagine Chandler as a punk ;) oh please continue really soon!
Porphyrophobic Grape chapter 4 . 7/7/2003
i love this story, i read it a while a go, but then it kinda disappeared, it would be awesome for you to update.
anhonestmoose chapter 4 . 6/26/2003
please please update this! it's a fantastic story and i really want to know what happens next!
anhonestmoose chapter 4 . 6/8/2003
when will this be continued it's great!
Clarissa chapter 4 . 6/7/2003
This is VERY good! Please continue.
syl77 chapter 4 . 5/24/2003
Holy crap, this was so great! I can picture that! I love Chandler and Phoebe now ... *LOL*
Rumidha chapter 4 . 5/23/2003
Hey, I had a question. Does Matthew Perry really have part of a finger missing?
Rumidha chapter 4 . 5/18/2003
NO! YOU HAVE TO UPDATE THIS! It's very well-written, and I have to know about the second bad part! Please update this!
Medea15 chapter 4 . 5/5/2003
I can't believe you still haven't updated! We're still waiting anxiously for the next chapter. . . please post it soon. Anyway, great work on your excellent portrayals of both Chandler and Phoebe. So sad.
RoseOnAVine chapter 4 . 5/4/2003
This story just blows my mind. Your characterizations are perfection, the story ties in with so many little loose ends that have been brought up in the show over the years but never resolved. I love, love, love your writing style and hope you don't give up! I'm never going to see Chandler and Phoebe the same way - for me, this *is* their backstory.
Clarissa chapter 1 . 2/21/2003
Please continue this! I love it!
ash chapter 4 . 2/16/2003
this is really good! i hope you continue soon!
ash chapter 4 . 2/16/2003
this is really good! i hope you continue soon!
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