Reviews for The Stormreaver
Sargon Dorsai chapter 193 . 1/15
We are seeing the first effects of the emergency of Deathwing. Almost everyone is affected. I can't remember if the elves and undead had encounters or not, or will you be showing those later?

Great stuff and looking forward to more.
Sunny us chapter 1 . 1/15
I wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts on your story, I loved it! The way it has been written so creatively makes it truly enjoyable and engaging. As a comic artist I feel that this story has great potential to be converted into a comic. I believe audiences would love it if it were adapted into that format

My contact information:
Instagram: itsgametech
Discord: itsgametech

Best regards,
WhiteElfElder chapter 28 . 1/7
I wonder if that skull of his former master will find its way to Harry. If so, adding it to the top of his staff will make it a very powerful item.
WhiteElfElder chapter 27 . 1/7
It would have been so nice and convenient if Harry had been able to take Albus' wand just before the portal closed.
WhiteElfElder chapter 26 . 1/7
Albus just completely shredded any trust Harry has in him, and he will end up regretting it with the last of his life when Harry seeks his due. Why hasn't anyone twigged on the wand Albus uses as being the wand that is needed by the Burning Legion.

Harry should have told Lucius about the guardianship Albus claims to have, so it could be revoked due to Albus' own foisting of Harry off on muggles that hate magic and losing him in the first place.

Albus is a hypocrite; he told Harry he could use his talents to solve the mystery and then solve the problem, then immediately reacts the way he did even to the point of plotting to seal his magic.
WhiteElfElder chapter 24 . 1/7
Of course the diary was taken, and probably by Ginny as well. That Dwarf is lucky Harry did not go back for a pound of flesh to recoup what was damaged.
WhiteElfElder chapter 22 . 1/7
Hermione proved her point quite well, and without bloodshed.
WhiteElfElder chapter 21 . 1/6
The wizards tend to label dark and evil with the same brush, but they do not understand the nuances of dark. Harry practices "Fel", or "Demonic" dark arts, which in of its self is quite dark by most standards, but it is not evil. Evil would that which tortures as much as it destroys, and for only the pleasure of doing so.
WhiteElfElder chapter 20 . 1/6
I find it funny that Lucius thinks with the information he has obtained that he is in the superior position. The fact is that information only makes him more of a target should anything impede Harry or the Legion.

I hope that due to age it is difficult to impossible to learn the Arcane arts, or even better trying kills their own magic in the case of Albus.
WhiteElfElder chapter 15 . 1/6
If Draco was female he would already be wed.
WhiteElfElder chapter 13 . 1/6
I wonder if Harry's produced healing potion is better than what is currently available?
WhiteElfElder chapter 11 . 1/6
Was the note about the standing stones on the school property, or StoneHenge?
WhiteElfElder chapter 10 . 1/6
I wonder how Harry would react to Fawkes singing? Also, with his darker attunement, how will Dementors affect him?
WhiteElfElder chapter 9 . 1/6
Too bad Harry cannot light the spark of intelligence in the creature.
ianramos22 chapter 192 . 12/25/2024
Excellent a new chapter.
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