Reviews for Potter Club
ThunderSphinx chapter 18 . 2/11
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
Gnormann chapter 9 . 1/28
The dialogue of all these children is weird since they all sound like adults. Doesn’t make sense
SixFtWookie chapter 60 . 1/14
Going from Umbridge's screams to "I hope you enjoyed" is a little jarring, but the rest of the chapter was a delight. Umbridge though, the schadenfreude isn't doing it for me today.
Force Smuggler chapter 60 . 1/14
Well well well
DarkRavie chapter 60 . 1/14
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
midnightscar17 chapter 60 . 1/14
Is fudge still fudge and not someone else
sakurai.ryuu chapter 1 . 1/14
this Harry/Hermione/Susan?
Monster King chapter 60 . 1/14
Awesome work please continue the story it's incredible
Silver Wolf chapter 54 . 12/27/2024
You missed a good opportunity to pull a master prank...

Harry Potter is to go out to Hogsmeade for the first time. He gets flooded with demands to go out by just about every girl, some of which even strip in class to get his attention, much to his disgust. The day before the visit, he walks in the Great Hall, and using a sonorus spell, claims he's made his pick...All the girls are freaking out as he extends the wait until there's a riot. 'I will go to Hogmeade with... DRACO MALFOY. Nice face, nice hair, and probably nice dick!' Imagine the rest...

Malfoy barely makes it out of the Great Hall alive, and it's not only girls that throw offensive spells. Quite a few boys never thought it was a possibility.

MMMWWWWAAAAH! (evil laugh)
Silver Wolf chapter 16 . 12/24/2024
So far (beginning #16) I am having fun...
One thing I don't understand is why Harry never gets even with the Dursley. Let me tell you if I was in his shoes, they would regret the day they were born.

Solution 1: a potion that lasts a week and makes Dudley a pork. Knowing Vernon, he wouldn't resist a meal. Petunia would do all the preparations, Vernon the butchering (it's in character anyway) and then, they'll call Dudley... he won't show up but they'll think he's at one of his friends... and eat anyway. About halfway through the meal... pork reforms into what's left of Dudley...

Guaranteed heart Attack! Cops get called...

Potter: 'Me, a wizard? They're nuts! They blame me for the sun, the rain, the colour of the dirt, the grass and the sky! I've been blamed for everything from the fact the Earth is round to the seasons!'

Next option: Again a potion, this time targeting Vernon. Makes him a Wolf Hound. He goes mad, and the neighbours call in pest control. A few days later, for lack of a collar and id chip, he gets castrated to control his ill temper. Meanwhile Petunia looks for Vernon everywhere, not realizing he's at the dog pond. When the 'dog' escapes after biting a law enforcement officer and getting a bullet in the butt, he recovers his true form, nut-less, and with butt lead poisoning. Vernon understands everything (he's a dog, but only in form, not in brains). Imagine the well-deserved anguish! Petunia finds him in the shed, raving mad.

Have fun with those ideas.
Molenir chapter 59 . 12/20/2024
Good til this point. Very disappointed in the cup situation though. Just dumb honestly.
Molenir chapter 14 . 12/19/2024
So basically he says, whats the dumbest way I can deal with Quirrel, and decided, sure lets do that.

Seriously, I can easily think of plenty of safer ways. tripping in the great hall during Dinner, while other teachers are there and accidentally touching him. How about teplacing the stone and not worrying about it...
BeyondTheDive chapter 59 . 12/17/2024
Oh my GODS
This is amazing! I can't wait
orthankg1 chapter 59 . 12/16/2024
Very nice.
orthankg1 chapter 58 . 12/16/2024
Very nice.
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