Reviews for Snapped |
Concolor44 chapter 13 . 8/22 That was great! Adding to Favorites. |
TheCauldron chapter 13 . 7/9 this turned my frown upside down for sure. was having a terrible day, but this made me laugh and improved my mood immensely. thank you! |
Craven Star chapter 9 . 4/26 OH, DEAR, RON! It seems that the ONLY thing that interests YOU, apart from winning at Quidditch, is money. Everything else, it seems, just does NOT interest you. Which is a pity, since you might actually get what you want if you work for it. |
Lamorak Korving chapter 8 . 4/26 YOU ARE QUITE WELCOME MY DEAR SIR/MADAM. I loved the way Harry used Hermione's love of books against her. I thought it was quite funny, actually. |
James Lysander chapter 6 . 4/26 So, not only has a Horcrux-namely Riddle's Diary, been destroyed, but Bane of all rodents has found the King Snake, as she puts it. One does NOT need to be an Einstein to work out that she means the Basilisk. |
Lamorak Korving chapter 5 . 4/26 Hmmm. WHO IS THIS ROM PERSON? I mean, I've heard of Ron, after all, who hasn't...but Rom? That's a total mystery. Is this Rom person somehow related to Ron, a cousin, perhaps? |
Rupert Korving chapter 4 . 4/26 Hey, my brother may indeed be dead, but HE WAS MY FAVOURITE BROTHER. As I am his eldest brother, I reserve the right to use his name in my reviews. In any case, he DID go to Hogwarts in 1975, along with his sister Anna, and was sorted into Gryffindor. But before I graduated in 1978, I helped him out when he needed it. He and Anna graduated in 1981, January 3rd. Snape may hate Harry, but he liked my brother, since he didn't show off in class. |
Mark Paladin chapter 3 . 4/26 I'M REALLY STARTING TO LOVE Baneofallrodents. Not only did he expose a certain rat who "ratted out" Harry's parents, James and Lily, to Lord Voldemort, but he saw to Pettigrew's capture and the release of Sirius Orion Black the Third-who was just thrown into Azkaban-without a trial. WHAT, NO TRIAL? Even Death Eaters get trials, so how come Sirius did not? I'M REALLY NOT SURPRISED that Amelia Bones is on the warpath, because even in the non-magical world, you cannot convict somebody without having a trial first. At least, I hope not. |
John Trevelyan chapter 2 . 4/26 MY DEAR HERMIONE, OR MAY I CALL YOU MISS PUCKLE? WHOOPS! Sorry, sorry. I meant, Granger. The reason you get mixed up in Harry's insane-and that's just me being nice-is because despite your stated love of ORDER, and belief that those in authority can NEVER be wrong, you secretly ENJOY CAUSING at least SOME OF IT WITH HARRY because he does not cause you unnecessary grief-unlike Ron. Besides, you enjoy it, and don't say you don't. |
John Trevelyan chapter 1 . 4/26 I THINK HARRY ACTUALLY HAS won this little...ur...let's say..."polite debate" with Dumbledore, just to be nice. Lee Jordan's tarantula IS INDEED VENOMOUS, if not OUTRIGHT LETHAL, possibly THE MOST DANGEROUS "PET?" IN HOGWARTS. Ron Weasley has a rat, which is actually quite fitting, really, GIVEN THAT RON TURNS ON HARRY AND BETRAYS HIM AT LEAST 3 times-2nd Year, because he could talk to snakes. And even though this power ended up helping save Ginny Weasley's life, Ron didn't apologise. NOR did Ron apologise for betraying Harry in 4th Year. But his WORST BETRAYAL WAS IN 7th Year, WHEN THE HUNT FOR THE HORCRUXES AND THEIR DESTRUCTION was crucial. Though he DID RETURN, the fact that he betrayed Harry and Hermione first is something I will NEVER forgive Ron for. Like Pettigrew, Ron is a "me first" person and an opportunist, so it makes sense that he had a rat for a pet. |
Paige.H1221 chapter 13 . 4/25 I love this fic! hahaha |
WrenHp chapter 13 . 4/14 This was so funny, thanks. |
Anon chapter 13 . 12/21/2023 Great story, love this version of Harry. Thanks for writing! |
Katescats chapter 13 . 12/17/2023 Hi that was a good story. |
AliceTobor chapter 13 . 11/26/2023 Your universe apparently doesn't have the Cup of Hufflepuff or the Diadem of Ravenclaw. I could wish Dumbledore had died from the curse on the Ring. The English Language does not have words to express how much I despise Dumbledore. The Black Speech of Mordor might, maybe. Your universe does have some semi intelligent adults. GREAT JOB! It was a good read, thanks for writing. |