Reviews for Silly Songbird
Guest chapter 12 . 12/18/2024
So this literally turned into bible fanfiction
I get that dxd literally rips everything from mythos and religion but like half of this chapter is copy paste from old testament etc. Like sheesh, inspired does not mean equals to.
1118fernal chapter 1 . 10/31/2024
You said mc is an idiot savant, yes?
what branch of magic will he specialize in?
Guest chapter 5 . 9/6/2024
Its Dogshit, do not bother.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/23/2024
I have no words to say, especially negative ones, it's smooth well crafted, I dare to say flawless
Fungod chapter 18 . 5/21/2024
This was a fantastic story while it lasted.I haven't seen your profile yet so I don't know if you have other stories up, but I look forward to checking it out.
insanecoop chapter 18 . 4/3/2024
Verbal diarrhea splashed out over 18 chapter to an unfinished plot.
Don't bother, no seriously, don't.
You'll waste 5 hours on a washed up story like I just did and think, why did I bother.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/15/2024
dropped... too much blah blah blah and its only ch 2
gshev120 chapter 1 . 12/10/2023
With all due respect, what is bro yappin about. I was hoping this story would be great. It started out so strong. One of the best premises I've seen in the dxd fanfic realm. But after the rating game, what the fuck happened? Feels like half the story is just us reading about risers inner monologue and scheming. 50% of the time it makes no fucking sense and the other 50 its boring as hell. It feels like the chapters never make it past the rough draft stage before they are posted. Hell, not even past the outline. The plot is convoluted beyond my comprehension and it completely ruins it.
2000karma chapter 18 . 11/15/2023
anymore Yakitori updated?
nifahs chapter 18 . 11/4/2023
pls continue.
VamPyr00 chapter 4 . 10/11/2023
Sorry, but that was just fucking dumb. Why is he doing the same shit as Canon Riser? That makes no sense at all. The world is already irrevocably changed, so there is no point at all in acting like that. He should have just called off the stupid engagement and ignored Rias and her peerage entirely. Everything about that situation is just an utter waste of time.

On another note, the fact that he was practically defeated by his own bishop, despite having such OP magic at his disposal, is pathetic.
VamPyr00 chapter 3 . 10/11/2023
First off, incest is wincest :D.

Secondly, I really hope that the MC isn't actually trying to be with Rias. Who would want to be with a girl that so easily gives in to the whims of a pervert (like Issei)? She basically seduces him into doing whatever she wants by showing off her body...definitely not waifu material. She's kind of a fact, most of the girls from DxD are...

Also, I really hope the MC isn't always so scatter-brained... To use TIME MANIPULATION just to have an internal monologue is pretty dumb. I hope he can channel some of his insanity into making himself OP.

Finally, couldn't he just put himself to sleep with a spell? That should be like, really easy compared to time manipulation and teleportation.
VamPyr00 chapter 2 . 10/11/2023
Pretty strange way to go about 'explaining' his new personality. Without any knowledge of Riser's life, he would have probably been better off going with partial memory loss or something. Nevertheless, this seems to have turned out alright, even if by sheer luck.

On another note, the magic system seems completely broken. I look forward to see how OP he can get in a short amount of time.
CMdkelley chapter 2 . 7/18/2023
So he is stuck with a peerage of weaklings who were originally handpicked to each fulfill a harem stereotype...
Guest chapter 6 . 5/7/2023
Your story is completely nonsensical, half of it is already just paragprahs of description of how beautiful a character is blah blah blah with repetition for each entrance of character , and poetic nonsense with no meaning but only redundant words for the sake of the illusion of something.
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