Reviews for Silly Songbird
Aggrandize chapter 17 . 1/19/2022
I guess I'm wasting my time by leaving a review on an abandoned story but whatever. I need to vent my frustrations somewhere.

Why did you make us waste so much time reading countless words of expositions, explanations, and info-dumps when our MC is constantly getting bitch slapped by every being out there? Not only does he have an inexplicable need to wag his tail in front of Rias, but he also gets to be bullied by the Satans while he's at it.

Is there anybody on his side? What exactly is he even aiming for? I don't buy the bullshit excuse that he wants to be stronger than everyone else when he has nothing to gain from that strength. In fact, his life would be better if he just followed canon and lost to Rias lol. How does that even make sense? All of this effort, blood, sweat, tears... all for nothing.

I feel like you have some masochistic tendencies because no author makes their MC a complete simp who is constantly stepped on.
worom001 chapter 12 . 1/6/2022
Im honestly surprised he feels nervous in front of Philemon and felt fear when confronted by Sera when not too long ago he was threatened by Ophis. It feels like most people would certainly have their sense of fear dulled or shot quite a bit from something like that, and its not like he doesn't feel fear or anything.
Navori chapter 2 . 1/2/2022
Mucha explicación, conjeturas, tramas, pensamientos que no llevan a ninguna parte.
Lo dropeo
JManM chapter 10 . 12/6/2021
This story is way too in love with long winded explanations and info drops and fails to ever deliver satisfying plot and character moments. The narrative pay off for the humongous amounts of exposition are completely out if whack. Even when Riser starts flexing we end up at some weird approximation of nothing really happening. Its like season seven of Game of Thrones with all the character death fake outs.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/15/2021
Fucking disgusting
SoSoLazy chapter 6 . 10/16/2021
Too much explanation and dramatics.
RAZE643 chapter 18 . 10/15/2021
1.6180339887498948482045868 chapter 18 . 10/8/2021
great fanfic. plez continue.
Guestinator chapter 11 . 9/28/2021
The issue is how so much is exactly the same despite huge changes that must go back at least centuries. It makes zero sense and I firmly believe that is why you gave up on the story.
nantono chapter 1 . 9/19/2021
Luxo11 chapter 1 . 9/17/2021
Wtf was the guest trying to say? Is he dumb?
Shinigami chapter 2 . 9/6/2021
****your damn story **** s**t story super wonfully written the fuck even my pet has a good imagination than you f*cker s****** */m*t*erfu*ck*e*
Cotton chapter 6 . 8/18/2021
I love the chapter title's reference to Paradise Fear's 'Battle Scars'!
Lucas Oliveira1 chapter 18 . 5/25/2021
I know this is dead but you should at least exclude that last chapter to avoid further disgrace the story...
oppopopo chapter 1 . 5/15/2021
Interesting start
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