Reviews for The House of Badgers
Mama Shmi chapter 22 . 2/15/2021
muy buena historia, aunque le falto algo mas antes del final.. como la finalizacion de voldi y algunas cosas en el medio.. como que opinan los demas de lily y james...
pero esta genial
BlackjaxCXXIII chapter 22 . 1/31/2021
This is a nice fic.
I have a few points of criticism as far as writing style goes if you're interested, but in the end, the fix is complete and a nice read. Good job :)
Tsukoblue chapter 22 . 1/3/2021
Hopefully there will be a sequel to this story
sjrodgers23 chapter 22 . 11/15/2020
Sequel please Loved this story. Hopefully there will be a sequel to this story because it needs to be more. About Harry and Susan getting married and future kids for all. How did the magical world take that the Potter are back. More please thank you
thomaspheasant chapter 22 . 11/15/2020
Great story!
PotterRathboneGreyFan chapter 22 . 11/15/2020
I'd like to read a story where Harry is brought up by his parents, Sirius, and Remus.
ToddGilliss chapter 14 . 10/4/2020
fixing Neville's wand?
LAW chapter 22 . 9/7/2020
that ending hurt my face as I walked in to the wall good so far but I would say this story was abandoned and just hat the end dumped on it
Guest chapter 5 . 8/20/2020
So did Amelia get the sealed wills unsealed or...? There've been several plot holes/"deviations" from canon but it's well-written so even though it's full of Hermione!Bashing I'm still reading.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20/2020
Soooo what exactly was it that Hermione supposedly did?
LAB1 chapter 22 . 8/21/2020
I'm loving this story! I'm loving all your changes and the dagger being a good soul container! Then the story ends when it was just getting good. I can't find a sequel! Is there a sequel of this great story?
noice chapter 22 . 6/16/2020
Lover of Reid chapter 5 . 5/1/2020
So much information to take in. Amelia seems like a really nice person. I hope that Sirius can get his name cleared and be a free man. Harry needs people he can trust in his life. Can't wait to see what happens next.
DOS73 chapter 22 . 4/28/2020
Thank you for writing this story I quite enjoyed it and I hope you will keep up the great work.
Lover of Reid chapter 4 . 4/24/2020
Great chapter. I'm glad that Susan's aunt is wanting to meet Harry to learn more about Sirius so that she can possibly help him. I love how Harry got up the nerve to ask Susan on a date to Hogsmeade. He deserves to be happy.
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