Reviews for Rebirth of the Founders
olgabarker07 chapter 12 . 12/18/2024
Are you going to continue with the story?
knitchick1968 chapter 12 . 12/11/2024
Excellent story so far. I am sorry for your health issues and hope you are doing better.
Ironcoil chapter 11 . 11/30/2024
This is still one of my favourite stories of all time! Blending two personalities together while keepins to what canons characters were is amazing! What i also love is the more in depth list of antagonists youve created with such a large conspiracy you have room to add other OC’s and expand ang wsy yout imagination wants. Im really looking forward to when your ready to sink yout teeth into this story once again.

Thanks for a great read!
Guest chapter 12 . 10/25/2024
Always a wonderful reread, thank you
Philosophize chapter 11 . 10/11/2024
This is a fantastic story. I’m sorry I didn’t find it sooner. I do hope you come back and continue it at some point. I look forward to reading more from you.
joelyn chapter 12 . 9/6/2024
Please more great story
tylor13roney chapter 4 . 8/16/2024
never liked remus always though he gave up. to. easy.

yes he is a werewolf understandable.

but he still super loyal to dumbledore and ignored harrys pain

only taught harry the protronus cause harry beged.

and thats all he really taught harrynthe boy who lived.

also i dont think he even talked about harrys family too him
Astartos ShadowBorn chapter 12 . 8/16/2024
Greetings to the risen! I would like to see sporadic updates. Thanks for your attention.
Binge Reader chapter 1 . 7/11/2024
Hmmm... Shit. Worse than the source of inspiration. But the source isn't even good to begin with.
apls79 chapter 12 . 6/17/2024
This is a great story. I hope you can update it at some point
agaskell23 chapter 12 . 6/1/2024
wow i love thid storyn!

i gope youre better now andwould consider continuing this if at all feasible .
best wishes!
nintschibintschi chapter 12 . 3/15/2024
Get well soon and I love your story you are really talented thank you nintschi
nintschibintschi chapter 6 . 3/14/2024
Incredible story I love it
sexy Seren chapter 9 . 2/18/2024
update it soon
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2024
I cringed hard, cant even force myself to press next. It's awful, and the MC is a fucking edgelord.
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