Reviews for Star Trek Star Wars Galaxy at War
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 84 . 6/30/2020
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 83 . 5/5/2020
dark nightmere chapter 83 . 4/10/2020
I think that Luke and the crew should fight there way through Kamino but they will be to late to save Data as they enter a trap in section 5-A where a massive amount of Shadow troopers are along with Mara Jade and Darth Lumiya as the forces aligned against them grow as Luke and Leia clash with the Sith while Sabine and Han try to hold off the Shadow troopers but the situation will become grimmer as a load of AT-STs attack them forcing them to abandon Data as Director Colith lockdowns the facility trying to trap are heroes only for Cal Kestis to rescue them a rebel spy and Fulcrum agent as he helps them escape on his ship the Mantis. I think that Cal should reveal to Luke that he has been fighting the empire for fourteen years since he killed two of there inquisitors and became a spy for the rebellion as he retreats to his base on Bogano stating that the empires forces have been hunting them since they destroyed the Death star and that his spying on the empire has revealed how close they are to finding other Jedi as Darth Vader has dispatched his remaining inquisitors to find them as most of them have been killed off by other Jedi or Maul leaving the emperor with only four left Mara Jade, Starkiller, Lumiya and the sixth brother as all the rest have fallen to the Jedi such as himself, Kanan Jaris and his apprentice Ezra Bridger. I think that Darth Vader should prepare his remaining inquisitors to hunt down the Jedi as he killed off quite a few of his traitors inquisitors who failed him or where killed off by the Jedi and Maul as he lost the ground inquisitor to the Jedi Kanan Jaris and four inquisitors where killed off by Maul the tenth brother, fifth brother, seventh sister and eighth brother where all killed by him leaving him with Mara Jade the eleventh sister and Starkiller the twelve brother leaving his forces trapped as he aims to find Luke and the rebels and kill them all as he knows that Anakin has returned and will hopefully meet his end by his lightsaber along with Maul. I think that Anakin meanwhile will be drawn to the outer rim where he will be forced into a battle with the Yuuzhan Vong as the power of the empire grows ever stronger he will try to find any survivors of the Jedi order as he discovers that Yoda has survived but most others have been hunted down and killed by the Sith inquisitors as the few survivors of the once great order in this galaxy fight back the darkness which has conquered the galaxy as Anakin quickly plans to find his children and escape the galaxy only to discover that while he has been in his home galaxy the Federation has collapsed through infighting and the Sith-Undine unleashed a massive armies crushing the Milky way galaxy and wiping out the Jedi of that galaxy.
Celgress chapter 83 . 4/9/2020

Ah, yes, you noticed that. In Legends Agent Blackhole was a former "Prophet of the Dark Side" a Sith worshipping cult whose members concentrated on Dark Side alchemy and honing their powers of foresight & perception. Sidious tapped Blackhole to become head of the ISB because of Blackhole's near unparalleled psychic power including foresight, mind reading, and force presence detection. Blackhole could even partially detect Sidious and Vader in Legends despite their weird Sith meditation which hid their force presence from everyone else. I'll explain further the abilities of Blackhole in the next chapter.
TheVampireStrahd chapter 83 . 4/9/2020
Something seems missing for the bad guys to instantly go "these guys are imposters". If Luke and Leia are radiating as light siders to whatever dark sider is controlling Kamino, Luke and Leia should be more on point about keeping their shields up to hide their force presence. Someone like Vader might be able to get that"i feel something...something i haven't felt since"...and then maybe either brush it off or maybe chase it if he had nothing else to do.

Looking forward to more.
Starway Man chapter 83 . 4/9/2020
There was a spelling error, "on either said" instead of "on either side" - you might want to fix that. Other than that, you started off with a good description of Tom Paris in that POW camp, and I liked how Han, Luke, Leia and the others infiltrated Kamino - or they *thought* they did, anyway. Hmm, is semi-arrogance and overconfidence part of the Dark Side? Anyway, I look forward to seeing how our heroes get out of this one, and whether they rescue Data or not!
Dante Yn chapter 83 . 4/9/2020
Leia: "Your not the forces gift to women everywhere"

Me: "Ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Solo dosn't know what the ladies like apparently!
Boris Yeltsin chapter 83 . 4/9/2020
I remember that world from the Han Solo trilogy of novels. Nice to see it back in your crossover event.
LaMario chapter 82 . 4/1/2020
Every damn time I start to like S31, they go and do some shady shit to annoy me
TheVampireStrahd chapter 82 . 4/1/2020
More games in the shadows...

The Light will burn them if they aren't careful.
TheVampireStrahd chapter 81 . 4/1/2020
Hmmmm, so we have the Borg that want to assimilate everything and now these "Cylons" that want to destroy sentient life.

These two sides have GOT to meet. I'm sure the encounter would be explosive.
Starway Man chapter 82 . 4/1/2020
The chapter was short but good, it's always nice to see Section 31 in action - and I definitely liked the line, "nothing but harmless fanatics playing in their bathrobes with laser swords", that was quite amusing. Hope you give us a longer chapter next time!
Boris Yeltsin chapter 82 . 4/1/2020
Haven't seen the new Star Trek series yet.
I see things keep getting more interesting.
Starway Man chapter 81 . 3/29/2020
Okay, this chapter was pretty short and not much happened apart from a lot of talking - but you did present some interesting points of view on slavery and doing whatever you have to in order to overcome it... and Bruce Maddox is now a bad guy? Color me surprised...
Boris Yeltsin chapter 81 . 3/29/2020
Things are picing up quite fast. A new set of villains.
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