Reviews for Star Trek Star Wars Galaxy at War
dark nightmere chapter 80 . 3/25/2020
I think that Thrawn should fight the Borg alongside Ezra after he and the ghost crew liberated Lothal from the empire a few months prior to a new hope as Ketsu aims to protect Lothal along with Cal Kestis a Jedi knight and spy for the rebellion as the forces aliened against them are really strong as the rebel alliance is pushed back within the five years as the empire throws everything they've got at the rebels aiming to crush them as Thrawn holds off the Borg with all of his strategies along with the Tie defenders that where produced on Lothal before the liberation by the rebels as the emperor finely figures out that Anakin and his children have returned. I think that the emperor should have his armies including Vader hunt down the rebels as Mara returns to him stating that she has figured out that Skywalkers children have returned that is who defeated her on Tattooine and she is certain that Anakin himself defeated Starkiller which means there main enemies have come here aiming to stop them and destroy the empire as Palpatine begins to make plans to destroy the rebels as he has his forces begin to construct a more powerful Death Star while having Vader, Mara and Starkiller hunt down Luke, Leia and Anakin along with Kyrie as he knows that the empire may fail him as despite all of his forces without Thrawns strategies they may lose this war. I think that Luke and Leia should begin to help the rebellion only for the empire to quickly recover despite the defeat at the death star Vader will rally his forces including Starkiller, Mara, Kyrie and others aiming to crush the rebellion no matter what as he has his forces hunt down the rebel bases forcing them off world as the empires massive weapons of mass destruction as they force the rebels to hide out on Hoth as they carefully plot to regroup and stop the empire after Luke gets rescued by Han after getting knocked out by a Wampa just as the empire close's in aiming to crush the rebels with walkers as the forces aliened against them grow ever stronger. I think that Vader should have Mara and Starkiller dispatched to Bespin to prepare for the rebels arrival knowing of Solo's friendship with Calrissian as he has Bounty hunters track down the Falcon aiming to make certain of his that his enemies full into his trap as he has another fleet aim to find the rebels as Kyrie and himself aim to find there enemies and crush them as he knows the new death star once completed will destroy the rebels and all there allies the fools think that destroying the first death star will stop them but they will soon learn that one defeat is not the end of the empire as they will strike back and crush the rebellion once and for all as none will stand against his empire soon.
TheVampireStrahd chapter 80 . 3/23/2020
Been waiting for this part for a while. Battle seems too glazed over but oh well. Emperor's temper tantrum was nice, Seriously thought he'd chuck one or both of the advisors out the window too.

Keep it up!
Starway Man chapter 80 . 3/23/2020
There was at least two spelling errors, 'Jedi princes' instead of 'princess' and 'caption' instead of 'captain', so you might want to fix that. The destruction of the Death Star felt a bit rushed, but I guess we've all seen that anyway, so never mind...I also liked the Emperor's tantrum after Vader reported that was somewhat amusing. I hope you don't compress the five year gap too much in the upcoming chapter too much, though!
Boris Yeltsin chapter 80 . 3/23/2020
A fine take on the Battle of Yavin.
Starway Man chapter 79 . 3/22/2020
Great stuff as always, I wasn't actually expecting Obi-wan to suffer the same fate as in the movie - the way you've built up the plot, I thought for sure he still had things to do in the world of the living - but surprise can be good, and I also liked the unique Vader/Ahsoka/Obi-Wan fight scene. Hope we see more soon!
Boris Yeltsin chapter 79 . 3/22/2020
A fine take on that sequence of A New Hope.
dark nightmere chapter 78 . 3/20/2020
I think that Obi-Won should be killed in the confrontation with Vader along with Sakal and Iskha while Luke, Leia and Han escape on the Falcon while Ahsoka and Sabine escape in a Tie defender crash landing on Lothal while Luke and the others arrive on Yavin 4 as Vader prepares to destroy Yavin 4 aiming to crush the rebellion once and for all only for Luke to use the stolen plans to destroy the death star but this will lead to a massive hunt for the rebels by the empire as they are forced to flee from one base to another finely getting trapped on Hoth where Luke will be forced into a fight for his life with a wampa before escaping as the empire finds them through probe droids. I think that Ahsoka and Sabine meanwhile will have there own problems as they crash on Lothal which is controlled by governor Price and meet the ghost crew a rag tag rebel crew fighting to liberate the plant Kannon Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Chopper, Garazeb Orrelios, Ketsu Onyo and Ezra Bridger who are fighting the empire with Phoenix squadron to try and liberate the plant and destroy the factory that produces weapons and other things for the empire to use against the rebels and to conquer plants through fear as they fight them with the Fifth brother and Seventh sister also hunting the rebels the situation will become really bad. I think that Mara Jade should begin an impassive hunt for Luke and Leia aiming to get her revenge as she aims to use the bounty hunters such as Boba Fett and others to find her targets knowing that there care for Han and Chewbacca maybe the key as the fools will come rushing to there aid as she has long suspected that Yoda still lives and her master would love to find him as she participates in the battle of Hoth sending a tracker on Luke's X-wing aiming to find Yoda on Dagobah after sending her master the location she will trick Han into heading for Bespin and have Luke and Leia chase after them as she has Starkiller back her up for the inevitable confrontation where they will fall. I think that Luke and Leia should travel to Dagobah after the confrontation on Hoth after completing the initial Jedi training with Yoda only to run into a problem as Mara tricks them into coming to Bespin to rescue Han and Ahsoka as Mara tricks them into thinking Ahsoka is there only to find that they are to late to save Han and Ahsoka was never there as they are forced into a battle with Mara and Starkiller which ends with Luke losing his hand and Leia suffering the brunt of Starkiller's force lightning as Lando rescues them with the Falcon taking them back to the rebellion to be healed where Anakin is but Ahsoka and Sabine are not there still helping the ghost crew on Lothal in the battle for the plant.
LaMario chapter 78 . 3/19/2020
Things are getting fun, hope Maul sticks around and the Fallen Jedi storyline gets added
TheVampireStrahd chapter 78 . 3/19/2020
Now we're back to some action.

Great stuff.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 78 . 3/19/2020
Force Fire? Haven't heard of that before.
Starway Man chapter 78 . 3/19/2020
Nice start with the Vader Force choke and the destruction of Alderaan, I liked the subtle differences though - such as Vader killing Breha Organa, and him being the one to give the order to open fire on the planet instead of Tarkin. The Battle of Dathomir was good too, I enjoyed how Anakin dealt with Starkiller! Looking forward to the next part of your version of "A New Hope" soon.
TheVampireStrahd chapter 77 . 3/8/2020
Oooooo a new chapter!

Starway Man chapter 77 . 3/8/2020
Well, I definitely wasn't expecting something like this - Rex as a terrorist prisoner, Odo as the warden of Rura Penthe, and Shinzon making wisecracks about him being the lesser evil! Jadzia and Worf were kinds funny as grandparents, although there was a spelling mistake in that part of the text: 'fries' instead of friends, you'll want to fix that. And "Quark's franchise kids meal"? Amusing, in its own way...and yeah, the identity of the 'Exalted One' is pretty easy to guess.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 77 . 3/8/2020
MO? Things get more interesting. My guess is this 'Exalted one' is some form of Grievous, or someone else, perhaps.
Starway Man chapter 76 . 3/7/2020
Nice start with Vader's daughter and the Emperor Palpatine acting like an indulgent kindly grandfather, I definitely wasn't expecting that! Neither was I expecting such infighting among the Borg...poor Seven of Nine, how terrible to have such a thankless child. And Locutus of the Borg (clone version) is now here? Sounds cool, looking forward to seeing what he gets up to!
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