Reviews for Star Trek Star Wars Galaxy at War |
TheVampireStrahd chapter 76 . 3/6/2020 Wooo things are proceeding all according to plan. For the bad guys that is... |
Boris Yeltsin chapter 76 . 3/6/2020 Interesting. I see you've been inspired by The Forced Unleashed series, somewhat. |
wolfm33 chapter 75 . 2/13/2020 What a story! You've done great in merging these two different worlds together. Keep up the good work. I'll be anxiously waiting your next chapters. |
TheVampireStrahd chapter 75 . 1/22/2020 Great chapter. Looks like things are picking up speed fast. |
dark nightmere chapter 75 . 1/22/2020 I think that Obi-Won should sense Alderaan's destruction but not know that they are walking right into a trap set by Vader as they come across the Death star which captures them as Darth Vader is aboard it as he has his forces move into scare the falcon as his army aims to capture the remaining rebels while he aims to defeat Obi-Won and Ahsoka knowing that victory will be impossible if they remain captive Obi-Won will sacrifice himself so that they can escape as Ahsoka knows that she most train Luke and Leia and prepare herself for her next confrontation with Vader as she knows that it is very likely that she will die by Vader's blade as well. I think that Ahsoka should leave Luke and Leia with the rebels as she begins her quest to find more allies and lost Jedi but find that most of them have been hunted down by the empire and it's inquisitors as she and Sabine are forced into many confrontations with Mara Jade and Star Killer as Mara's hatred for Luke grows over the years as she slices off one of his hands on Bespin and scaring Leia after turning Han over to Boba Fett who puts him in carbonite as Luke and Leia survive the battle badly wounded but alive as Mara returns to Vader with there Lightsabres believing them dead only for Lando Calrissian to save them from Vader and Mara as they are healed by the rebels. I think that Mara should fall deeper into the dark side as her hatred for Luke grows over the empire strikes back as she and Starkiller delve deeper into the darkness after the confrontation on Bespin where they defeated Luke and Leia as Luke finely realises that Mara has no feelings for him but hatred as she shows him that after nearly killing him on Bespin as Leia is scared by Starkiller's force lightning which traumatizes his sister as he lost a hand to Mara as they steel there Lightsabres leaving them for dead at the bottom of Bespin as Luke aims to kill Mara and Starkiller in there next confrontation but knows that he most grow stronger to do that. I think that Starkiller meanwhile should grow stronger as his twisted love for Mara should give him strength after nearly killing Luke and Leia on Bespin as the rebels quickly rally to destroy the empires second death star above Enda only for Vader, Mara and Starkiller to prepare there trap to kill all there enemies including Sidious the emperor as the threat of the Sith grow ever stronger as he badly wounded Sabine and Ahsoka on Lothal daring one of the final battles there before the plant was liberated by the rebels as he killed Maul on Dathomir badly wounding Anakin and destroying Lal for good as the forces stacked against the heroes grow as the final confrontation above Enda grows ever closer only one side will stand victories. |
Ginsenshi1 chapter 75 . 1/22/2020 Very good, I have a feeling Luke and Mara-Jade will meet again. Also love the inclusion of Starkiller, I do hope its the same one from the Force unleashed along with the rest of his team. The combat droid would have some words for C3PO I think. |
Boris Yeltsin chapter 75 . 1/22/2020 Ah. The real fun has begun. |
Starway Man chapter 75 . 1/21/2020 Nice start with Leia's outrage at the injustices of the Star Wars galaxy, and Luke noticing that Mara Jade was 'cute'. :) It was a pleasure as always to see Obi-wan's mind trick, but there was some noticeable spelling errors afterwards (alter instead of alert, "we'll be dead" instead of "you'll be dead"). It was interesting to see how Han was paid for the trip to Alderaan, and I wasn't sure if Greedo's death scene was slightly different? Anyway, I loved the way Han teased Leia, calling her Jedi Princess and the way Anakin's daughter acted enraged that way. It was almost as good as the enraged Mara wanting to kill Luke, after he blew her a farewell kiss! Anakin's cameo appearance on Dathomir wasn't too bad, and neither was the one by Thrawn. And I look forward to the 'good stuff', as you put it! |
HaywireEagle chapter 2 . 1/15/2020 Tyranus, not Sidious. Took me an age to realize the mistake. |
TheVampireStrahd chapter 74 . 1/8/2020 Reminds me of the diner scene from Stargate when Daniel was talking to Oma and Anubis showed up. Well done. |
LaMario chapter 74 . 1/4/2020 Ah the awesome diner scene from Stargate. Now i want more Stargate elements to appear. |
Starway Man chapter 74 . 1/2/2020 Short chapter, but not too bad - it was good to see Qui-Gon make an appearance, and very familiar Stargate-ish plot device on how the Sith transcended. I definitely wasn't expecting Sarah Sisko to be an Oma Desala type, swell done on surprising me! |
SentinelPrimeKnightOfCybertron chapter 74 . 1/2/2020 Oh great so Vitiate's running around as well. That's not going to be good. I'm guessing his companions were Darth Tenebrous and Darth Traya? |
Boris Yeltsin chapter 74 . 1/2/2020 An interesting take on Sith here. |
Starway Man chapter 73 . 12/10/2019 Nice stuff between Anakin and Lal at the start of the chapter, I wasn't expecting Mace Windu to do what he did so nice surprise there. That whole 'we will disavow any knowledge of your actions' thing, it was very Mission: Impossible! And the grim reality of the clone backwater world was very emotional and described well, I assume it will play a greater role later in the story. |