Reviews for The Stars Alone
omh666 chapter 19 . 8/24/2023
War councils are always interesting. Even if you're calling it a fledgling government.
omh666 chapter 18 . 8/24/2023
Wow, I didn't even think of the footprints. I was thinking she saw him with a heat vision or something. Nicely handled.
omh666 chapter 17 . 8/24/2023
I half expected Hermione to call out to Harry and say something like "what would we do if the people said to leave?" Then my mind played out a scene of all the warriors where with Harry freaking out and insisting they stay.
omh666 chapter 16 . 8/24/2023
Quite frankly, a good author can give you the aftermath of a situation, and let the reader's mind fill in the details. This also makes the reading easily customized to each person. I can imagine some pretty horrific torture that the woman would have gone through. While a younger reader, or someone who has experienced less, will still imagine the worse that they are familiar with, but not be sickened by the sort of things I would imagine happening. I think that's a greater skill than actually writing it all out.
omh666 chapter 15 . 8/24/2023
Haha! Called it. Now, we just need to find Luna a focus. I love how Hermione paved the way for Harry to come back there.
omh666 chapter 14 . 8/24/2023
Oh please, please Hermione, keep that as a new focus. Highly interesting chapter.
omh666 chapter 13 . 8/24/2023
I enjoy the world building. The hard part with it is getting bogged down. A lot of people will get so deep into the world building that they lose readers. Personally, I feel you've held enough balance between world building and combat etc to keep readers coming back.
omh666 chapter 11 . 8/24/2023
Now that, is a way to make an impression. Hahahaa! I love the end of this chapter.
omh666 chapter 10 . 8/24/2023
Fair enough. Keep moving forward.
omh666 chapter 9 . 8/24/2023
Damn, with the lack of materials they can't get new wands. And with the magic practically drained out of the world, they couldn't do the ritual either. Interesting.
omh666 chapter 8 . 8/24/2023
Ok, that is confusing. I didn't think that time was altered by the gates, just physical location?
omh666 chapter 7 . 8/24/2023
Huh, didn't think about them going back. figured you wouldn't have Luna agree to that. Maybe they will get new wands instead of doing the ritual.
omh666 chapter 6 . 8/24/2023
Huh. why do I have a feeling that Hermione and Luna are going to have the same ascendancy ritual performed on them as Harry and Voldemort did, now that their wands are destroyed?
omh666 chapter 5 . 8/24/2023
Yeah, I had the same thought that they were after information from the girls. Poor Luna.
omh666 chapter 3 . 8/24/2023
I always enjoy stories where there is no clear cut "good guy". Harry and his people are trying to be good. They're taking control, but they're trying to lead the world forward into a better existance. Bill and his people likewise think they're doing good by stopping a monster.
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