Reviews for Somebody Up There Likes Me
OrangeBears chapter 18 . 9/7
It’s been awhile since your last update but i quite liked this story and would love to see what happens next hope you’re well!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29
The work is completely uninspired and should be banned as a crime against humanity. Please stop.

Thanks for the chapter.
reptoholic chapter 18 . 8/22
this has SO MUCH POTENTIALLLLL! LOVE IT, had not read this chapter yet, was so happy when I started rereading that there was an update to it. Really hope you post more in the future, Keep up the amazing work.
major wallace chapter 18 . 7/7
Awesome work
dixonjason403 chapter 3 . 7/5
i dont think bell would ever accept anything from freya if he knew the truth, that shes messing with him for her own entertainment. i know it looks super gross to me for sure. its just feels sleazy and abusive.
Arktempest chapter 18 . 6/12
This was great
Guest chapter 18 . 5/20
it sure as hell is a super story i normaly hate reading but here i make a exeption keep up that work
kinokamiyama chapter 4 . 5/19
i honestly hate freya and have no idea hy people like her so much
kinokamiyama chapter 2 . 5/19
"remember bell , dying is gay"
AnimeGuy93 chapter 7 . 5/15
Bro that 300k a month, any inn would be cheaper than that place and he will still be charged for food
Brian Schmidt chapter 18 . 4/9
it may have been small camperet to the others but it is as good non the less
spartenpride11 chapter 9 . 3/30
im really enjoying this so far i freely admit im kinda partial towards bell/loki idk i just enjoy it
Tri-Edge chapter 18 . 2/15
This seems kind of rushed. I mean, first you introduce the rabbits and make the readers think Bell will spend a significant amount of time setting them up in the far north, but a few chapters later he's already heading back having done nothing of note with or for them? And that is far from the first time the story has completely abandoned or skipped past an entire plot-point.

If there is one good thing about the break-neck pace you've set for the story, however, is that much like Bell himself—you've left us readers feeling whiplash; out of our depth and in unfamiliar territory, so much so that I can viscerally feel how confused Bell is and how he's been swept up in the chaos around him.
Guest chapter 18 . 2/12
Welcome back. Hope you continue Send Me On My Way.
Fungod chapter 18 . 2/11
really good story so far. i like the story-line. i look forward to seeing how it progresses'.
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