Reviews for HP & The Jade Dragon
jwbones2000 chapter 101 . 9/23/2024
So, in general, I like what you're doing with this story. Not a huge fan of the endless apologies and I'm wondering if you're going to be able to get through the story given that with the amount of excessive detail and expanding storylines this thing is going to have to be like 10M words but good luck and I'll follow along.
adam.rosen.51 chapter 65 . 5/6/2024
the only thing about the gold bars is that this could cause inflation if the goblins are changing the value of certain volume of gold.
summer164 chapter 2 . 5/3/2024
Noeliacruz92 chapter 1 . 1/29/2024
false there are all related by the black side of the family
EdTheBeast chapter 75 . 1/16/2024
Found a crungerty error. Hero was with Harry, but was also at the training being put in charge with Hester and Hero in charge.
Anon chapter 5 . 9/5/2023
This is just too familiar for me. Thanks for the effort.
Astargate3 chapter 80 . 7/31/2023
laughing my ass off in this chapter
Paulv69 chapter 84 . 7/20/2023
enjoying this storyline
Ltbutterfly287 chapter 1 . 2/22/2023
Jade dragon are more of a chines thing rather then a Japanese thing.
KeepUpK chapter 73 . 11/6/2022
I have just started reading the story so it might seem stupid to read this comment but...
In chapter 73 I don't think Harry should always grovel to Hermione. I get that he loves her and wants her to be happy but she doesn't exactly has 100% rights to be mad at him for being with someone else.
Jimhh chapter 95 . 10/11/2022
I really like your fiction but it's moving really slow, I also think that your dragging the relationship between harry and hermoney unnecessarily out to the extreme but I am enjoying the fiction though too many females are infatuated with Harry.
K chapter 66 . 6/13/2022
Definitely not losing my interest!
Hedwig68 chapter 101 . 6/14/2022
This has to be one of the best stories if have read on Fanfiction.
Defiantly Going into my favourites.
Keep up the great Work.
K chapter 58 . 6/12/2022
It is a very enjoyable story, and if some people don’t like how it is developing, then they aren’t forced to read it! Personally I’m very much liking it.
K chapter 55 . 6/12/2022
Very much enjoying the story. Do note that ‘slither’ is what snakes etc do. The word you need is ‘sliver’.
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