Reviews for The Road to Hell
Guest chapter 22 . 3/26/2023
Great job
Vlarq chapter 22 . 3/3/2023
More please
cameron1812 chapter 22 . 2/25/2023
This is such a fantastic story, hope you continue it someday!
E3roa chapter 22 . 2/1/2023
interesting to continue the story unless Hannah dies the red wedding won't happen anymore. lysa tully's death depends on Sansa's choices. the mountain is dead so Oberyn will live longer. the next important event is the supposed execution of ned stark and death of robert baratheon leading to the war of the 5 kings except Balon Greyjoy died. maybe a chapter where euron greyjoy returns but dies.
kelwin chapter 22 . 1/23/2023
Good fic. i really enjoied reading this and hope some time you will return to it and add more. there is just so many twist and turns that each chapter adds something new.
Necronlord08 chapter 22 . 1/5/2023
ello author you alive?
RORO1024C chapter 22 . 1/1/2023
Brilliant fanfic. Please update and keep the story.
beth626 chapter 22 . 12/22/2022
Awesome! Would love to read more.
7heMidni9htOwl chapter 22 . 12/11/2022
TheStrangeNessie chapter 12 . 12/3/2022
What an absolutely mental choice to make Harry super drunk and idiotic out of nowhere. I’m not even going to attempt to read the rest of this filth.
TianYi chapter 1 . 11/8/2022
hey are u uploading to ao3, i see this fic in that website. Is that really you?
Dale Jackson1 chapter 22 . 11/8/2022
please continue
AnthonyR89 chapter 22 . 8/6/2022
and now you have the court thinking that Harry and Daphne are single. when you previously had both the king, Ned, and oberyn all knowing about their relationship.
AnthonyR89 chapter 21 . 8/6/2022
yeah, I don't see Stannis EVER aiding a Targaryean. not after the rebellion.

also, you literally had Robert mention that news about Stannis, save burning the septs, as justification for replacing him as master of ships.
AnthonyR89 chapter 20 . 8/6/2022
you also seem to be ignoring the fact that Harrenhall was built by a king of the iron islands.

and since when was Terry even in Winterfell? previously, you had Michael Corner there with Hannah, and he left to the Citadel the same time as Harry did with the king.
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