Reviews for The Reclamation of Black Magic
Inhdrae chapter 3 . 2/10
The amount of love i have for this fanfiction actually is ridiculous xD

i don't remember on which reread i'm, but rereading it i am and it is still so enjoyable. it's so sad it's nit finish, and with each passing year i lose hope of ever seing that story finish. Still thank you for sharing this story, for giving live to this amazing grandmother/mother/woman/witch and for your wonderful Black Coven!
Guest chapter 22 . 2/1
This is very disappointing. Huge time shift with no info about the activities of the coven. And now complete canon (apart from Hermione's disastrous sorting). Boring. I'm not plodding through canon Hogwarts for the zillionth time. thanks for the earlier chapters.
Bridger chapter 39 . 1/13
That’s not it, right? There will be more?
Guest chapter 39 . 12/31/2024
Hi! Your notes say this story isn't abandoned but the last posted update (here?) was forever ago - unless you're posting updates elsewhere?

If so, please lemme know where to find it? I LOVE this story!
Animeworld2.0 chapter 17 . 12/17/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

I would like to inform you that my channel is now monetized, and I make sure to give proper credit in the description of your story. Additionally, I will share the video link under your story review for your view. I respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your guidance.

I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

Thank you!..
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2024
Hounoku — Today at 17:18
Guys do not say gaymar and replace the gay part with cred
Worst mistake of my life

Very cute Hounoku. Very cute ;)
Fortunately I'm not some faggot gay latino or some shit skinned turd worlder as Mahogany mentioned. Imagine being one, born into a shithole family with shithole beliefs and shithole ideals its no wonder that many latinos and black niggers and slant eyed chink face Chinese could never hope to assimilate into American culture to achieve the coveted American dream. Instead I see these scum as nothing more than a waste of oxygen and as infiltrators like wannabe spies that will soon disappear when Trump gets into power. Alternatively if the author of Summoning America, Sebastian Lee were to run for President I'd vote for him in a heartbeat since in the story there are no blacks niggers gays homosexuals trannies Muzzies and Jews ruining America by staining the white genepool with their inferior genes. The only honorable brown skinned turd I respect is Peconigiri since he is helping me identify people who slander DrDoritosMD's work from afar like the cowards they are. So far I am able to determine that most of them live in the turd world and at least one lives in some shithole called Jogjakarta or some shit name its so easy to bribe with the superior dollar compared to the rupee curee fag currency they use. The Dutch should've exterminated everyone except for Peconigir's lineage because it is clear people like him and Gomrade are honorary Americans for how they carry themselves. Its okay when the Chinks led by winnie the pooh declare war we will let the turd world be exterminated by AliExpress nukes and then with the slate clean the white race can finally reclaim our lost and rightful home to expand.

**Manifest Fantasy on Royal Road – A Step Toward Bestselling Success!**

Hello, Fantasy Aficionados and Readers,

We’re excited to share some wonderful news about "Manifest Fantasy," the captivating tale by the talented DrDoritosMD! This engaging adventure is gaining traction on Royal Road, and we’d like to take a moment to reflect on its remarkable journey and promising future!

In "Manifest Fantasy," Captain Henry Donnager's humble role at Area 51 takes a surprising twist when a test unexpectedly opens a portal to a realm filled with knights, magic, and political intrigue. Leading Alpha Team, he must navigate a complex web of politics and powerful sorcery while balancing his own world’s advanced technology with the ancient secrets of this new land. Can they unravel the mysteries of this enchanting world before rival factions clash?

As we celebrate this exciting development, we are also thrilled to announce that DrDoritosMD is on the verge of securing a publishing deal! This brings us one step closer to sharing "Manifest Fantasy" with an even larger audience, and we genuinely believe it has the potential to become a bestseller. With its intricate world-building, thrilling quests, and memorable characters, this tale is truly one to embrace.

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haze47 chapter 39 . 9/26/2024
Still hoping you come back to continue this story!
Guest chapter 39 . 9/20/2024
Love the story so far, please continue to post new chapters till it is completed.
DANTE88 chapter 39 . 9/11/2024
Hola. Me encanta esta historia. ¿ Vas a continuarla/terminarla? ¿ Habrá segunda/tercera/cuarta...parte?
CAROLINA BARCELOS chapter 39 . 8/29/2024
Freddie Rindklip chapter 8 . 7/25/2024
Albie will have a meeting with Dorea at some point. Not good for him.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 4 . 7/25/2024
Lucius comes "clean". Sirius gets a trial. Maybe Harry doesn't have a shite life?
Freddie Rindklip chapter 1 . 7/25/2024
Started reading. Interesting premise for chapter 1.
Guest chapter 39 . 6/27/2024
Such a great story left hanging. There so many like this in the archives. I will check the other site to
See if it was continued there. You are an exceptionally talented writer!
Auror25 chapter 38 . 6/11/2024
Any chance of you continuing this? Is a really great story and I’d hate for it to be left in limbo forever. Hoping you’re doing well either way, but please continue and finish this really unique, fun story!
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