Reviews for Reconcile
BV4ever chapter 8 . 10/12/2020
Amazing! So glad I found this little gem! Loved the whole Py’ar ritual concept. Definitely an original take on how Bulma was able to forgive Vegeta after the Majin incident. They both gained an in-depth understanding of each other through the ritual. Bulma’s experiencing Vegeta’s life in each phase was heart wrenching...real tear jerkers. I’m not sure which phase shattered my heart the most. Him having to kill Bulma or Bulma choosing to stay by his side as he blows himself up in an attempt to defeat Buu. With Vegeta’s experiencing Bulma’s life he finally understood her desire to be love and never feel alone. Overall this was a beautiful and realistic approach on how they were able to get past Vegeta reverting back to his former self. It gave an account for his decision to once again become the Dark Prince. I would like to think he had to actually work on reconciling his relationship with Bulma and this story gave me that. It showed how he became more attentive and aware of her feelings as did she. Their renewed union that will defy death itself one day, created his precious princess Bra. “To reconcile is to love.” I couldn’t agree more with that phrase coming from the King of All Saiyans! I really enjoyed this story! ;)
Roo-fee-oh chapter 8 . 9/21/2017
Absolutely beautiful! I loved every one of those chapters
Kitty in the Box chapter 8 . 5/24/2017
i think it was beautiful but it got really trippy for me when the whole ritual kicked in. for me, it deviated drastically from that point. i think the ritual stages where it was meant solely to focus on the individual's experience ended up having to show what the other was feeling as well. however if the story was a stand alone featuring the ritual then it would have been better but fusing it with the post Buu event didnt quite gel enough for me. overall its a nice story.
Princess Vegetita Saiyan chapter 8 . 3/16/2016
That was so cool, u made a awesome job with the ritual thingy.

Thought I wanted to see Trunks face or reaction about his lil sis. But I think that was the perfect ending and a logical way for Vegeta to say the 3 words.

Im so mad! I wanna see Bra in Dragon ball super! Im freaking out!
RockmanGurlX chapter 7 . 8/6/2015
This is a very nice piece of work. It deals with both understandings: Bulma's hurt and distrust, and Vegeta's guilt and hatred of himself. The ritual is a very interesting and psychological concept, literally entering the mind and piercing through the mental barriers of each involved. Great work.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/12/2015
~kyah!, very very sweet!

I really like your fics!, thumbs up for this one too!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/12/2015
Great chapter!

I miss reading your skits from your other fic, they're really amusing hahah.
bv fan chapter 8 . 2/5/2015
The best fanfic I've read in a very long time! Keep writing! You have just ascended to the next level of fanfic writing:)
bv fan chapter 3 . 2/2/2015
outstanding! weirdnessromanceawesome vegetaxbulma fanfic! keep adding more and more
bv fan chapter 2 . 2/2/2015
i liked it a lot, but please have bulma forgive vegeta! they're my FAV couple in db
lucaslop95 chapter 8 . 10/23/2014
OMG :') I'm crying.. this is so beautiful... I love this couple! vegeta and bulma are the best! this is an amazing story
The Ultimate Witch chapter 2 . 10/16/2014
I think Bulma needs to except that the dark prince will always be apart of him to not be able to except one part of him you really must not have know him at all or really loved him to not know that he had that part you were in major denial.
mednin chapter 8 . 7/27/2014
Couldn't stop reading. Thank you so much for writing this!
famouswriter17 chapter 8 . 1/31/2014
Simply awesome!
Guest chapter 8 . 10/22/2013
don't know what to say but great! really love it.
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